Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zeitgeist: Volume IV

Volume IV

The spirit of the time; the general intellectual
and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.

After beginning my quest into creative arts back in February, I would like to introduce to you some of the drawings from my book that I made titled Zeitgeist which I was in spirit at the time to draw using crayons and expressing my feelings & ideas. Below are a couple of drawings with the meaning and commentary beneath them. I hope you enjoy my artwork!- Jon-o

16) The Future of Moscow

The Future of Moscow, this picture I drew after reflecting my time back in Moscow and tried to make up some architecture which I thought would best represent Russia and behold, I came up with this. There are really only two buildings with an actual influence to me, the one on the farthest left is a building found in Sim City 2000 when you start to make eco-buildings when you reach the distant future and the gray one hidden in the back is the one found in Blade Runner. I love buildings, cannot deny it!

17) Europa I

Europa I, the sixth moon of Jupiter, is something that has always fascinated me because one day looking through a book of space I noticed this planetoid and really realized that it was truly a piece of art as if God really did spend his time brushing his paint brush across the surface of Europa. Out of anywhere in the solar system right now, Europa is a top contender for containing life.

Here is a picture that I copied off from the surface, enjoy ;-)

18) Europa II

Europa II is the concept from Europa, here is the image that I copied from the satellite images.

19) Surf of the Future

Surf of the Future comes from an idea that one point in human history we will soon become more machine than man, kind of like the Borg in Star Trek. As you see here, it is clear this man has way too many cybernetic attachments which has improve his surf. I am not the biggest surf fan being H2No and all but this is kind of a dedication to those who do surf because one of my friends come from a legendary surf family, my friend has done ministry work through surfing, and I live in a city founded on surfing. So cheers to you all surfers out there! Behind on the boat is my secret language that only I can read. Rad eh?

20) Sociology

Sociology is defined as the study and classification of human societies but here I went away from the normal thinking what is it going to be called when we meet another race of alien, Socioxenology?

21) Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day is a pretty simple explanation, but actually very deep I guess you can see. Usually Valentine's Day are tough times, but for some reason during this year I became really excited because Valentine's Day for me this year meant traveling up to San Francisco with my friends which ended up to be a very lovely and fun trip involving epic proportions. It was really nice to go with one of my best friends twice in a month to my favorite city, but this time it was around five days of all four of us eating at restaurants, taking the bus, and having a fun time. This was the last drawing in my series using crayons and the last one symbolizes love because that is what I have for my friends and family because they mean everything for me.

These are the drawings in my Zeitgeist series, I hope you enjoyed them!

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