Retro Jon-o
Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
Celebrating 5 years of clean pizza!
Episode XIV: Lord of the Pizzas: The Two Gooberts
Ever since the pizza H.Q. was destroyed, a day has never shocked me as bad as this one did... I was walking home from seeing the Matrix for my 5th time and I saw my good old' Middle Earth friends and what stood out was that they were sad... (What’s with everyone turning emo?) So I headed over and I saw that it was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen before, a pile of dirty pizzas... They were all looking around to see what the cause of this madness was but no one could figure it out! I called up the Great Poop and asked him and he didn't know what to do... Gimili was so sad that he cried himself to sleep while crying some more... Being a pizza detective is the hardest job in the world... eh... Well we couldn't find any survivors... all lost in this tragic destruction! I should pull myself together and go to somewhere else where I can be alone...Episode XV: P-Men 2: Pizza United

Invasion! Invasion! I was hanging out with Ice Man and Wolverine until the dirty pizza police entered the room! If it wasn't for that girl who ate a dirty pizza and screamed really loud, we wouldn't be here today! I was up at Xavier's house hanging around and using the Celebro, a device that shows all the pizzas in existence all over the world, and busting out my teleporting power. Well after Wolverine's b-day party the dirty police stormed into the house collecting all the P-Men and pizza they could find... The group was down to three people, me, wolverine, and the famous el Chupanebra. To remind you, the el Chupanebra is the female version of the el chupanebre... What a cool guy! Well wolverine cut up the dirty pizza police with the formal weapon, the pizza cutter... I just stood there looking all cool, and the el chupanebra just said "DWDP" so when you come across a P-Man just say, Pizza United goobert!
Episode XVI: Dirty Pizza Reloaded
Yup! Back into the matrix I go! Me and Neo went to hang out for the Oracle today and to eat pizza, a lot of pizza! We called up Niobe and Ghost to come down also and they brought their $5 and we started to eat. Ghost hates sauce on his pizza and Niobe hates cheese on her pizza, the two are a weird couple... We were eating until Dirty Pizza Agent Smith came into the scene. We were ready to battle until he said that he's not an agent anymore but he's just Smith now... Well we were cool with that so we decided to hang out with him for the day. He was cool and all until when he was eating a slice of pizza he threw it down on the ground and started to laugh... Then that's when we figured he's still against pizza! Then Neo and Smith got up and that Lobby Music (from the first matrix) started to play in the background. When I was weeping to the dirty pizza, it turned into another smith, and a bunch more smiths came through the gates of the park and there were many of them! When I thought it couldn't get worse guess who came out of the apartment complex? Mr. Badstad! After he came out he snapped his fingers and about 100+ of them came out! Since Mr. Badstad evolved from Mr. Ohnstad because he got a motorcycle, he's been badder then ever! Eh... Well since I didn't want to fight that day I started to play with a rock and tossed it up and down! How fun... Well since Neo is a crybaby he just flew off making me be left with Mr. Badstad! I got so scared I peed my pants and me and the Keymaker got the heck out of there as we opened a door to another dimension! I wonder where I’m going? DWDP!
Thank you for traveling with me! See you all next time....
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