Retro Jon-o
Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
Celebrating 5 years of clean pizza!
Episode XVII: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part I: Choices

After a long adventure into the Matrix, I decided to take a week long break in the land of Kanto (one of the pokemon regions). Veridian city is a very cool place to hang out because it has a really huge gym where Sebrina is at and such. So that's when I decided, I should tour more of the city. The airport is so cool because they have this airliner called "The Hoot-Hoot Express, and it's very cool. Since i was eating too much pizza at the "Poke-Pizza Buffet." I got kicked out, that's when my troubles became... When I picked up the Pizza-mon book at Barnes and Bobbles I couldn't stop reading it. I was reading the adventures of Team Rocket and their many attempts to steal a Pikachu from this boy named Ash from Pallet town, and their two former gym leader friends, Misty and Brock. Then all of a sudden i wasn't paying attention then I ran into the actual bunch... It was so surprising to me because i thought they were only non-existant but i guess they aren't... Hmmm... Oh well. Back to the story... So i was hanging out and talking to them because Brock lost his Geotron and he couldn't find it because he is unable to see through is oddly shaped eyes, but before Brock could open them... Team rocket camed along and stole the Geotron straight from Brock. We tried to convince Team Rocket, and we almost did until Ash had to interfere... Ash told Team Rocket to die, and i thought he ment from my book, he through it off from the pier and it landed into the water. I was really sad at the time but Pika-tron convinced us to get some pizza, but it didn't work because Pika-tron can't speak. Then when they were arguing some more, I couldn't help my self from talking to Mewoth because he can actually talk! Cool... Well before I could make my way back Ash's pika-tron shocked Team Rocket, including me because i happened to be at the right place at the wrong time... So then it was insane, I got "Blasted off" with team rocket, and we flew and flew until we fell into a field with the rain still falling leaving me with a really big scar on my elbow. I wonder what team rocket has to say about this...
Episode XVIII: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part II: The Birth of UWDP
After awaking from my 15 minute coma from falling from the sky due to Pika-tron's 100,000 volt thunder shock, I had a really bad poke-headache. Looking for 10 minutes I resembled the Team Rocket together. I found Jessie in a Miltank Stable, James in a Sandshrew hole, and mewoth in a box of sharp objects including this cool Charmander pez-dispenser that I'm happing to be holding. But sadly, I was unaware that what was about to happen... Well first of all we started to head back to town all torn up and tired. All James talks about is capturing Pika-tron, and all Jessie talks about is dismantling the 'Twerp's' limbs and body parts... Yuk... When it was time to feed their pokemon, it was a odd experience, Jessie took out her Arbutt and Likatung, and she fed them dirty pizza... That's when I decided i should be undercover on this mission... So we finally reached a pizza parlor and that's when they said, "Prepare for Pizza, and make it double..." So I had to step into this madness and say, "Hope it's not dirty." Then Team Rocket flinched and and ran off yelling the words UWDP... I supposed that means Up With Dirty Pizza but those words were very shocking to my ears and I myself flinched as well. The first thing I did was call the new Pizza H.Q. and warn them of the new threat. Then the second thing I did was to go look for Ash and his rag-tag team of friends ASAP!!! Wow it's sure rainy...
Episode XVIII: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part III: Pikatron captured!

Puff... Puff... Wow I'm tired, I had to run at least 10,000 miles to get here to tell ash that trouble is on the way, and that's when Team Rocket appeared. They had loads and loads of dirty pizza, Yikes! Well then Misty busted out her Psyduck to even up the match, I mean screw up the match. All Psyduck does is tip's his head and says "Psy?" Oh well then Brock got out his Vulpix and Ash got his squirtle and battled Team Rocket's evil pokemon! Kung foo kicks and water guns, and electric shocks, right now this battle was the place to be. In the background Misty kept chanting DWDP and she ate pizza also at the same time. Yikes, again. That's pretty hard to do, eat with food in your mouth and chant DWDP, i should try that some time... or not... Well, oh yeah! Back to the battle... This is where things got wrong. A big mewoth doll used "confusion" and got a hold a pika-tron and grabbed him and took him away. Before Pika-tron could enter the battle, it was already being kidnapped! Eh... This isn't good at all for the pokemon everywhere, without pika-tron we didn't have a chance. Ash tried his hardest to get him back but before you could say pretzel, the balloon and the doll magically dissapear... Since is emo like terminator, he cried him self all the way back to the hotel and he peed his pants so hard, he created his own lake and he had to have the mayor of the city to come down and declare it as a State Lake because it exceeded 20,000 gallons of water, or pee that is. Well tomorrow we are going to go out and get Pika-tron, even if it takes everything we got, including our pizza. Just Kidding! Team Rocket is going down!!!
Episode XX: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part IV: Payback is a Pizza

Wow what a night! First zapped by pika-tron, conformation with Team Rocket and the birth of UWDP, then Pika-tron is then kidnapped! Glad i got some sleep or I'd have to have a Hypno do it for me. Ash did not sleep all night, he created his plan and he did it well. His plan is to find team rocket and get pika-tron back, wow what a plan! That must of took him years to come up with! Yikes! Well we headed out of the hotel and went to the pokecenter where we tracked down pika-tron with the dirty pizza radar, because Team Rocket eats lots and lots of it... eh... Well the highest censors were coming from the dock, where we first encountered Team Rocket. Ash and I, including Misty and Brock, ran as fast as we could and we got there just in time before they morphed pika-tron into Rice Aroni, the San Fransisco Treat. There were many pika-trons there and Ash quickly found his and the battle once again up rised. That's when I decided to get a pika-tron for myself. Then the league is set and the game is on! I threatened the team by saying that my pika-tron will turn you into Apple Jacks and other such... But wait, Apple Jacks don't taste like apples... What's going on here... Why did no one inform me on this discovery... Oh well back to the battle. Jessie's Arbutt was very powerful but couldn't master the art of Ash's Pika-tron. Then Misty had to interrupt and sent out her Starpoo, "Hya!" Well at least starpoo talks cool! Well me and James were battling on top of an oil rig and he had his Weezing that sounded like 40 year old smoker, well that's why you shouldn't smoke... Well I wasn't the best pokemon trainer, so he got away because with his sludge attack, I had no chance against him... Then Team Rocket got away in their new Dirty Pizza balloon, but i assure you, this is not the last time we're going to see team rocket...
Episode XVII: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part I: Choices
After a long adventure into the Matrix, I decided to take a week long break in the land of Kanto (one of the pokemon regions). Veridian city is a very cool place to hang out because it has a really huge gym where Sebrina is at and such. So that's when I decided, I should tour more of the city. The airport is so cool because they have this airliner called "The Hoot-Hoot Express, and it's very cool. Since i was eating too much pizza at the "Poke-Pizza Buffet." I got kicked out, that's when my troubles became... When I picked up the Pizza-mon book at Barnes and Bobbles I couldn't stop reading it. I was reading the adventures of Team Rocket and their many attempts to steal a Pikachu from this boy named Ash from Pallet town, and their two former gym leader friends, Misty and Brock. Then all of a sudden i wasn't paying attention then I ran into the actual bunch... It was so surprising to me because i thought they were only non-existant but i guess they aren't... Hmmm... Oh well. Back to the story... So i was hanging out and talking to them because Brock lost his Geotron and he couldn't find it because he is unable to see through is oddly shaped eyes, but before Brock could open them... Team rocket camed along and stole the Geotron straight from Brock. We tried to convince Team Rocket, and we almost did until Ash had to interfere... Ash told Team Rocket to die, and i thought he ment from my book, he through it off from the pier and it landed into the water. I was really sad at the time but Pika-tron convinced us to get some pizza, but it didn't work because Pika-tron can't speak. Then when they were arguing some more, I couldn't help my self from talking to Mewoth because he can actually talk! Cool... Well before I could make my way back Ash's pika-tron shocked Team Rocket, including me because i happened to be at the right place at the wrong time... So then it was insane, I got "Blasted off" with team rocket, and we flew and flew until we fell into a field with the rain still falling leaving me with a really big scar on my elbow. I wonder what team rocket has to say about this...
Episode XVIII: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part II: The Birth of UWDP
Part III: Pikatron captured!
Puff... Puff... Wow I'm tired, I had to run at least 10,000 miles to get here to tell ash that trouble is on the way, and that's when Team Rocket appeared. They had loads and loads of dirty pizza, Yikes! Well then Misty busted out her Psyduck to even up the match, I mean screw up the match. All Psyduck does is tip's his head and says "Psy?" Oh well then Brock got out his Vulpix and Ash got his squirtle and battled Team Rocket's evil pokemon! Kung foo kicks and water guns, and electric shocks, right now this battle was the place to be. In the background Misty kept chanting DWDP and she ate pizza also at the same time. Yikes, again. That's pretty hard to do, eat with food in your mouth and chant DWDP, i should try that some time... or not... Well, oh yeah! Back to the battle... This is where things got wrong. A big mewoth doll used "confusion" and got a hold a pika-tron and grabbed him and took him away. Before Pika-tron could enter the battle, it was already being kidnapped! Eh... This isn't good at all for the pokemon everywhere, without pika-tron we didn't have a chance. Ash tried his hardest to get him back but before you could say pretzel, the balloon and the doll magically dissapear... Since is emo like terminator, he cried him self all the way back to the hotel and he peed his pants so hard, he created his own lake and he had to have the mayor of the city to come down and declare it as a State Lake because it exceeded 20,000 gallons of water, or pee that is. Well tomorrow we are going to go out and get Pika-tron, even if it takes everything we got, including our pizza. Just Kidding! Team Rocket is going down!!!
Episode XX: Pizza-mon the Movie
Part IV: Payback is a Pizza

Wow what a night! First zapped by pika-tron, conformation with Team Rocket and the birth of UWDP, then Pika-tron is then kidnapped! Glad i got some sleep or I'd have to have a Hypno do it for me. Ash did not sleep all night, he created his plan and he did it well. His plan is to find team rocket and get pika-tron back, wow what a plan! That must of took him years to come up with! Yikes! Well we headed out of the hotel and went to the pokecenter where we tracked down pika-tron with the dirty pizza radar, because Team Rocket eats lots and lots of it... eh... Well the highest censors were coming from the dock, where we first encountered Team Rocket. Ash and I, including Misty and Brock, ran as fast as we could and we got there just in time before they morphed pika-tron into Rice Aroni, the San Fransisco Treat. There were many pika-trons there and Ash quickly found his and the battle once again up rised. That's when I decided to get a pika-tron for myself. Then the league is set and the game is on! I threatened the team by saying that my pika-tron will turn you into Apple Jacks and other such... But wait, Apple Jacks don't taste like apples... What's going on here... Why did no one inform me on this discovery... Oh well back to the battle. Jessie's Arbutt was very powerful but couldn't master the art of Ash's Pika-tron. Then Misty had to interrupt and sent out her Starpoo, "Hya!" Well at least starpoo talks cool! Well me and James were battling on top of an oil rig and he had his Weezing that sounded like 40 year old smoker, well that's why you shouldn't smoke... Well I wasn't the best pokemon trainer, so he got away because with his sludge attack, I had no chance against him... Then Team Rocket got away in their new Dirty Pizza balloon, but i assure you, this is not the last time we're going to see team rocket...
Thanks for time traveling with me today, see you all next week!
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