Micah the Mountain Origins
Chapter VI
Chapter VI

"I have a mustache, a hovercraft, and a random hiker on me. I wonder what would be best suitable for me to help out this world?" said Micah as he was floating around thinking what he could do.
Looking into his arms, he notice that there were hundreds of cats meowing at him.
"Hmmm..." said Micah, "I have never noticed all these cats before, I bet they sure miss their home."
Taking each cat one by one home, Micah did his civil duties and he still wondered what else he could do.
The hiker suggested to Micah, "I hear Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is speaking in this area called Talega located in San Clemente, perhaps we should go give her a visit and maybe she could help out on this quest to saving the world."
"Ok." Micah said.
Flying over to Talega, Micah went at mach speed until he realized that he couldn't slow down at all. If he was going to keep going at this speed than he might actually destroy some houses with all the energy that was coming out of his hovercraft.
"Oh no! We're going to crash!" yelled the hiker.
"Not again!" Micah said.
Yes, it was true, Micah realized that he couldn't slow down the hovercraft in time ending up him accidentally burning Talega to the ground. They couldn't help but scream watching many people explode from the fiery flames.
Micah and the Hiker once again retreated into the wilderness because they were shocked what exactly happened. One morning while the Hiker went on a hike, he couldn't help but notice the cover of the newspaper...
Talega Destroyed by Micah: Declared National Heroes!
"How is it that we accidentally ended Sarah Palin's campaign as vice president and we are declared national heroes?" asked Micah while he was licking his mustache.
"Dunno, who cares really." said the hiker, "But hey, it looks like we are invited to some party over in Moscow."
Micah shook his tree hands and said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go to Moscow!"

Micah and the Hiker floated into Moscow where they landed in the middle of Red Square only to be greeted by thundering applause and cheerful joys.
"Wow Micah!" said the Hiker as he patted Micah's snow cap, "They love us! They really love us!"
"Yes we do Micah!" said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "You have done this world a great service and prolonged the human race by at least another 4 years. We didn't need another leader who likes to kill wild animals for fun, that's my job."
Not really understanding what they were referring too, Micah and the Hiker shook their heads and said, "Cool!"
With many Mission Accomplished banners all over Moscow, Micah and the Hiker really felt special that day knowing that they changed the world in somewhat of a good way.

At the Scientology HQ in Los Angeles, he walked back and forth in his office looking at the various blockbuster hits he has recently been in the last 10 years.
"This is not right, this is just not right." said John Travolta, "It is I who was created Micah, I should be the one winning the prize of coolest guy on earth, not some stupid floating mountain with a mustache. This all just doesn't make sense to me!"
In his office, John Travolta received a call, it was Tom Cruise.
Tom spoke into the phone, "John, I watched the news. All I need to know is, if everything going according to plan?"
John Travolta said, "Yes Tom, everything is going the way it should be."
"Is she ready?" said Tom Cruise.
Not responding, John Travolta hung up the phone and left the room, walking down the hallway, he glanced into the laboratory where there was this skyscraper looking object with the words S.A.L.L.Y on it.
"Soon Micah." said John Travolta, "I know your weakness...."

The End...?
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