Micah the Mountain Origins
Chapter V

"What are you doing Micah!" yelled the hiker as he was floating on Micah's hovercraft, "You cannot just sit around getting high all time time, don't you see the sun, don't you see how high he is in the sky?"
"Yeah so?" said Micah as he coughed out a mushroom, "The sun is 'chill' he provides me heat grow mushrooms."
"You don't get the point, so what if you are indulging in mushrooms, that doesn't mean you should give up."
The conversation went back and forth for a good thirty minutes until the hiker gave up and ran out of options, except for one...

"I don't want to turn into molten lava." said Micah as his mushrooms began to burn off his peak giving him the rationality to think clearly.
Watching the forest burn down, the hiker had a sense of joy to him as he kept on laughing knowing that Micah's binging on shrooms were soon going to end.
The forest rangers came and only saw a mustache in the distance and didn't know what or how to react to the fires, to the forest rangers ran into the fire only to burn themselves alive.
Micah used the glory of tectonic plates and moved over to the hovercraft where he climbed aboard and the two floated off into the distance.

"You see Micah, you don't have to indulge on shrooms to enjoy life, you see that there are so many great things out there." said the Hiker.
Licking his Mustache, Micah looked up at the hiker with a smile and began naming off some of the great things in life that he really appreciates. "Yeah, you're absolutely right about everything! China, robots, communism, homeless people, and globalization, there are so many beautiful things we take advantage of until we truly realize that they are gone. From this moment on, I will dedicate my mustache to saving the world!"
"Saving the world?" said the hiker.
"Aye, my friend, saving the world!" said micah
Not questioning what he just said, the hiker just assumed Micah was high again and they rode off into the distance wondering what was exactly going on between each other.
Check back next week for Chapter VI for the final episode!
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