Micah the Mountain Origins
Chapter IV
Chapter IV

On screen with the Bluetooth Republicans (BTR), BYU, and the Stevia Factory, John Travolta discussed his latest plan. "You see here my friends, we have the technology, all we need now is to apply it. You see... I have this high tech transmitter device that will take down the mustached mountain and we can use his stash hairs to once again reclaim Hollywood!"
The only thing was that John Travolta was lying, he was actually draining BYU's own funds to simply destroy it and reclaim Utah for the name of Scientology. From using his bluetooh, John was able to contact multiple people at once without touching a single button on his phone. Just like a paranoid android, he sat and laughed for the possible outcome.
Watching on the television screen that was bought by Bluetooth, he observed Micah's hovercraft going haywire and causing a handful of technical malfunctions. There was nothing anybody could do at this point but watch Micah float through the city of Salt Lake City.

"Holy frog hairs!" exclaimed Micah with distress, "What is happening to my hovercraft? It is like I just ate a bunch of McDonalds McSkillet McSandwiches, and now my body is seeking revenge on my by wanting to poop it all out in the form of lighting bolts!"
"I think that is not the point." said the hiker, "My scanner detects that this hovercraft is operated by bluetooth technology and it seems like someone activated the malfunctioning button."
"Why is there a malfunctioning button?" asked Micah as he licked his Mustache.
The Hiker climbed down and took a piece of celery that Micah was so effortlessly trying to pick out of his mustache, "Don't ask me, I don't speak Spanish."
Slowly over the city, the two watched in horror, or most likely confusion as Salt Lake City was being destroyed by Micah's malfunctioning hovercraft.

After a couple of hours of pure mayhem and destruction on Micah's part, the Air Force finally came because they actually found out it was somewhat of national security to stop Salt Lake City from being burned down.
Shooting rockets, missiles, and rocket propelled grenades, Micah was staring to become confused why they were shooting at him. Luckily for Micah and the hiker, there was a protective plasmic shield that were protecting the two thanks to the gloriousness of Bluetooth technology.
"I don't understand why they're shooting at us?" asked Micah, "This really makes my mustache tingle, and I don't like the feeling of it.
The hiker tried to throw a McSkillet sandwiches at one of the aircraft fighters and missed, "Do you know what Micah, I think it is because we accidentally destroyed this city called, Salt Lake City. I don't get what the big deal is but they seem to be having one."
Dodging through city streets and buildings, Micah steered his hovercraft with great precision as he managed to avoid destruction. Becoming really sad and confused, Micah only had one choice, to flee to the forest. As much Micah is a mountain of peace and happiness, it began to rain in Salt Lake City that day, not by the water of the sky, but by Micah's own tears.
After a long day of misunderstanding and confusing story lines, the hiker and Micah fled into the wilderness hoping that they would not be found for a very long time...
Oh Dear! What will happen to Micah now since he accidentally destroyed Salt Lake City?
Support the Mustache, save the world.
Check back next week for Chapter V!
Check back next week for Chapter V!
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