See you in the future.
- Jon-o
Micah The Mountain: Origins
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Welcome to the future.
Aurora Borealis was a picture that I really enjoyed doing because the Aurora Borealis in general has always been something that has fascinated me and always wanted to experience seeing their lights. Apparently, this picture portrays the Inuit people in northern Canada and a beginning of a winter's night, which can last for over 30 days at best. After doing this sketch in my math class, I moved it into a drawing and eventually after drawing the igloos and the people, I kind of went off the deep end and added in my own flavor. If you happen to notice, there is that random object on the right hand side, that is actually supposed to be a government labratory and the green dots over the sunset are UFOS, including the one hiding behind the aurora borealis on the upper right . I guess you can simply say, I like drawing UFOS.
8) On Another Distant Planet
9) Andross and his amazing friends
Andross and his Amazing Friends is kind of a cross over between the character Andross from Star Fox (SNES) and my brother Andrew. The characters in this drawing are various ones that I drew over time in my math class and decided to splice them all together into one fun group of friends. Andross the Magician is what I call him and he tries to pick up on ladies by showing he has the talents of shooting pixels at people. I always thought it would be cool to have an umbrella that is alive and scary.
10) A Brand New Colony
A Brand New Colony is titled from the song by Postal Service, Brand New Colony. I love to draw spaceships and this one was kind of a little influenced by the movie Sunshine (just because of the organic ecosystem they have). Simply this one is about a spaceship going to another planet to colonize it, since I am a firm believer in space colonization and exploration, I am representing my colors by drawing this drawing. I know one day, we will reach beyond our own solar system and hopefully the space ship would look as cool as this one above.
Thank you for time traveling with me! See you all next week!
Accidentally going too far off into the distance, Micah somehow ended up in the South Pacific where he landed on volcano island. The creation of Volcano Island was a McDonald's where they forward calls from drive through just so they can save a pretty penny but exploit their workers in third world countries.
The Island started to become very mad and eventually Volcano Island turned into, you guess it, volcanoes! OH NO MICAH! Trying to escape as fast as he could, he managed to get out of the bigger part of the volcano explosions and happened to run across a hiker who was about be engulfed by one of the lava mouths.
"Help me oh mustache wonder!" yelled the hiker, "I am about to be turned into a McChile!"
Without any hesitation, Micah used his high tech hovercraft and swooped down and saved the hiker from instant McDeath.
Picking up the hiker, Micah began to notice that he was actually a nice guy, not like the ones who try to make you sign those scary petitions or those type of things.
"Hello there Mr. Mustache!" said the Hiker all friendly and warm.
"Don't call me Mustache, Micah is good." said Micah to the friendly and warm Hiker.
"You saved my life, and with that I owe you. As a gift, I shall share with you one of my secrets, the meaning of life." said the hiker.
Micah smiled and let the hiker continue on hoping that he wasn't setting him up to sign a petition.
"Well you see Micah, life has many wonders, just like the board game, we just have to play it one step at a time. I have to let you know, with those good looks that you possess and that thick mustache, I'll be honest, you can probably pick up any babes you want to with that face of hair."
"Like my brother Everest?"
"No." demanded the Hiker, "Even better, John Travolta has nothing on you, neither does Tom Cruise, we can make a great team you know! Just let me show you the hopes and in no time you will be reproducing with mountains left and right to make hills and knolls!"
As the sun was beginning to set, Micah smiled back at the Hiker. Sitting down on one of Micah's rocks, the Hiker sang a song about Mountain Babes and they floated off into the next day.
To be continued with chapter IV...
If you missed the last two chapters, you can view them here!
The Perplexity of Creation is the beginning of this epic project that I set out to do in my Zeitgeist collection. Basically the concept of this drawing was from the idea that I love robots and I love oranges. The thought came into my mind that robots are machines that really do not understand the concept of reality and the beauty of creation, which is why he looks so perplexed when he is holding an orange simply because they cannot taste it. The back story I had was this alien robot came to earth to scout out the area when what amazed him the most was the orange, but knows that his creators back home will enjoy it. Just like in reality, it makes us think that there is so much majesty in the world and if we compare ourselves to machines or become, we soon will lose the sense of love and happiness. This robot drawing was in an art show that I participated in called, The Fearless Art Show. It was all ran by Trader Joe’s employees, and this was one of my six pieces featured in it. Notice a special friend in the right bottom corner?
2) On a Distant Planet
The dirty pizza up in the sky...
A poem to the dead.
Let this mistake bring a vivid crystal to their eyes...
So drain out the dirty pizza before the cheese brings a choke.
I can't inhale the sparkle of your soda...
Episode VIII: Dirty Pizza, the final frontier...
Dirty pizza, the final frontier... That's what my friend Capt. Kirk was saying on the enterprise when he picked me up from my house and we cruised around space... I told him about the destruction about Pizza H.Q., and he became very sad... We spent hours how to ambush the pizza... Mr. Spock had many good ideas but they only seem to work in the future time, not present time... When coming back on the bridge Mr. Spock noticed that the dirty pizza radar was going of the charts! We knew this couldn't be true! Capt. Kirk went to red alert as we stood in shock, not knowing what to do... Then I figured it out...! We should fill up torpedoes with pizza and shoot it at the object, but wait that would be destroying the pizza and getting the great poop upset! So we just decided to shoot two regular torpedoes... Then we had to get out of there, so I told Mr. Sulu to take us out on impulse power... After we destroyed the dirty pizza we all celebrated with some Clean Pizza and Closed Soda Bottles...!! Wow that was a really fun and action packed trip! I'm glad that the angry flower didn't bloomed and ate us alive..! I wonder what's next in for our anti-dirty pizza movement... I hope we get to take this to a whole new level instead of being lost in a television world....DOWN WITH DIRTY PIZZA!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!! Yay! Hurrah! Eh...
Episode IX: Into The Matrix: Part II
As Tank hooked me up into the matrix, we had only one thing on our minds... To destroy dirty pizza. I met up with this guy called Neo and we went into this building to help save Morpheus. We went up the elevator after battling a bunch of Dirty Pizza SWAT members in a lobby, and then we destroyed the elevator. It was a tough climb after we battled off the Anti-Pizza resistance groups but it was all fun and games to me. We got to the top of the roof to snag a helicopter, and then we ran into none other then, Agent Smith... He wanted our pizza and he wanted it now! So he started to throw dirty pizza at Neo, surprisingly he started to dodge the pizza one by one as he was quickly moving, faster then the Great Poop himself... After all that was over with, Neo was shocked and surprised on what just happened... It was a marvelous scene to watch and glorify at...! We got into the dirty pizza helicopter and got out quickly of the dirty pizza head quarters... that place you never want to be in it again, it smells worst then the almighty open soda bottle... eh...! We got in touch with Tank once again and we went back into the real world as we got a connected line and we all went home... Wow! What a fun and exciting day... Instead of going to Chicago, I'm going to go over to New York next time!
Episode X: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Pizza
Instead of going to New York for the week, I decided to head over to DWDP Boarding School, where there's pizza and wizardry, it's pretty cool there... But enough about that, it all started when I received a call from Harry for me to come over and hang out, so I said yes. So I take the Pizzawarts express and head over... When I came over we started to battle evil people like people who do bad things and such. The real reason I came was to learn about the Sorcerer's pizza. A pizza that if you eat it you'll live forever... It seems pretty cool but it's guarded by this huge three headed dog called Pizzaie. The school is pretty nice, but it smells really bad! Also we suspect that there could be something wrong with the school; cause when Harry was playing some evil pizza attacked him... Searching high, and searching low, I couldn't find the pizza... Maybe next time... maybe next time... Anyways, Harry is mean sometimes; I hope he jumps off a bridge... soon.
Thank you for time traveling with me! See you all next week!