Half of the day was spent driving down a road unfamiliar to Jim, away from the world which he once lived. The sun was near setting over the hills and next to the road were fields of frozen grass that were blowing graciously in the wind from the final moments of heat in the sunlight. Since the season was slowly traveling through winter, the days got shorter and the air got thicker.
Inside his Mini Cooper, Jim could only stress with the situations that he was getting himself into. The last time he could remember that he was truly happy seem like eons ago. There was a time in his life that he traveled the world, and all he wanted to do now was to escape it. The car was silent and all that was going through Jim's mind was sadness, the girl who he truly was in love with for the longest time said she was departing ways from their friendship.
Andrea was sitting in the passenger seat of a car where the driver was an unknown person to Jim; it was someone that was there to take her away to wherever she wanted to go. This was a girl with a pure heart, a pure soul, and happiness that had the tendency to flow to many who were in her presence. Yet therefore because of the good person she was, Andrea was ashamed, but felt that her actions were the right one. As her hand was floating outside the window, she kept her eyes closed breathing in the thick cold winter air that floated over the countryside. All around her was the strong scent of evergreen and there she sat from the passenger seat thinking that she being driven home.
Hands in his pocket, Jim was taking a walk out onto a frozen pier where his head looked straight up into the sky as he kept his tongue out to collect any snow bits that made their quest from the heavens to the ground below. No words could describe his life except that he has been cheated through all of his life. There were always those bigger and better people that always seem to sweep anybody away that he grew an connection with. As a hopeless romantic, he felt life existed in his head with Jim collaborating scenes like if he was a director to a perfect celestial love story.
Leaning his hands folded over the railing of the pier, he spit over to the frozen water below. Many things that he did not want to think about entered his head which was covered by a beanie that Andrea made for him last birthday. 'Why does this happen to me every time?' thought Jim. A song came into his mind that he remembered one time singing on top of the hillside one night gazing up to the stars thinking about Andrea.
From the top of the flight
Of the wide, white stairs
Through the rest of my life
Do you wait for me there?
"Stop the car." said Andrea.
"What?" said the man that was unknown to Jim, "The sun is setting, and we are miles away from town."
"I said please stop the car." Andrea once said again as she looked directly into the man's eyes.
Not saying anything more, the man gave into her request and stopped the car letting Andrea out into the frozen barren fields off the side of the road. Off into the distance drove the car, and off into the distance Andrea walked.
Continuing to walk for fifteen minutes, Andrea stopped and looked directly into the sun where she kept her eyes fixed on the distance as it slowly began to set to the west. The wind blew furiously as it was giving its last breath before the day ended and the reign of the moon was about to take place. Staring into the sun, Andrea decided not to close her eyes, not understanding the goodbye she gave to Jim. Around her neck, the scarf blew along with the wind; it was the same scarf that Jim had made for her birthday. Her hands were lying restfully in the pea coat that kept her fully warmed and safe from the declining temperatures of the outside.
Andrea let out a cough and out came her thick breath that created a puff of smoke that only stood still for a split second only to be absorbed by the rest of the air. Finally deciding to close her eyes, all Andrea could see under her eyelids were various orange shapes and forms because her eyes were trying to repair themselves from such a long exposure to looking into the sunlight. Andrea's head moved down facing the ground and finally the inevitable came to her, a memory of the past.
All the way out in a distant town, Jim and Andrea sat next to each other in a bus stop because due to an extreme snow storm, they were forced to wait overnight until the roads cleared. With her green scarf wrapped around her neck, Andrea looked down at Jim's shoes thinking of where she was going to be heading in the near future. Next to Andrea, Jim had his arms crossed glancing to the left of him shaking his leg because even though the two were good friends, he was always nervous because of her.
Andrea's eyes shift to her own hands as she began to play with them. 'I wonder if he likes me still. Can't he be bold enough to just simply hold my hand? Being so many miles away from home, I do wonder what goes through his head sometime.' As Andrea was somewhat a little bit upset as she was never being given an attempt, the thought left her mind and her eyes shifted towards her right and outside the window.
Days before being stuck at the bus stop, Andrea thought of another memory of Jim. They were outside at the park lying on the snow watching the night bring bats in to their true habitat. It was the closest that Andrea had been to Jim as her head was resting on his shoulder to keep her warm. Making jokes and telling stories, the moon was the biggest and brightest the two have ever seen them which brought a better view to the nocturnal creatures that existed. Spending the night out in the winter night, her next memory came as Jim was behind Andrea holding her but she was only being caught up in the moment, she did not truly like him at the time, but he was the person who made her smile the most out of anyone she knew.
Now mentally, she was back at the bus stop, but this time she was alone. Getting out of her seat, she was disappointed and mentally headed out into the outside world. Truly, the memories before she was at the bus stop were only false images to her, she never was held in Jim's arms, never watched the stars above, or even spent the night in the wilderness. They were all fragments of Andrea's thoughts. Once again, she made up an image of the two sitting in her living room watching a movie while Jim was holding her hand. All was on her mind was being held, but that was the true reason why she couldn't be friends with him, even though he was given so many chances, he always folded in the end.
Now the two were walking in a large field where only one tree stood, leafless from the winter season. Trying to keep up was Andrea following the fast moving Jim who had his arms in his pockets. It was as if she was in Jim's universe but only existed as a phantom to his mind. "Why is it you never attempted any move with me?" said Andrea as imaginably said in her head trying to catch up with his fast speed. "Don't you care that things don't magically fall into place, you have to make somewhat of an effort you know!" Jim was just to fast for Andrea to catch up, and before she could realize, Andrea was back in the large open field where the sun was almost there to finally setting.
Waking up on his bed in the winter morning, Jim had no idea about the day that was about to happen to him. Scratching his hair, he got up, showered and went outside into the winter air. It was as if he lived this memory over a thousand of times within the last twenty-four hours because it was later that night, his life would be changed for ever.
It was night time. Jim and Andrea were walking together down a dimly lit street heading to her house where she was going to talk to Jim about their friendship. Jim thought the completely opposite thing; his romantic side came into mind.
The trip they took a week earlier came into thought for Jim, there in the bus station, he could of swore that Andrea kept on getting closer to him in the seats but as every inch she moved, Jim would back away an inch. Out of anyone he knew, Jim was the one who always buckled under pressure. The time almost hit past midnight in the bus stop and there was Jim sitting there fiddling with his fingers as Andrea was nearly resting her head right next to his thigh on the chairs. What do you do in such a situation to not make it weird?
The next morning came after Andrea talked to him and fragments of Jim came into his own mind as he walked down the parking lot of his old high school thinking of what he could do to fix the mistakes that he once made.
Taking a trip back to Andrea's birthday, it was where Jim gave her a present that he hoped would end his hopeless romantic streak and win over her heart, a bouquet of pink flowers and a box which contain a green scarf which he made for her. It was if Jim was sitting a mile away from her on the park bench because he was, again, nervous out of his mind. Handing the flowers to Andrea, she sniffed them, looked at Jim, smiled, and that was it.
Jim slept on the couch downstairs that night after he had a long talk to Andrea; he was in complete shock and utter confusion. Everything that he invested himself into the last nine months was erased instantly, he knew he made the ultimate mistake, and he was paying for it.
Alone, in his dream he was, sitting on a couch in a living room where there was a party and moving in fast forward, all the people that he knew in his life, and the ones that he fell in love with were passing him by in an instant motion. To Jim, it was as if he was living his life in a mere few seconds symbolizing that life is too short and waiting around for love to come to him instead of going to it is not the best strategy.
There was a tear that fell down Jim's cheek.
There was a tear that feel down Andrea's cheek.
In their minds, there was only silence.
Jim was skipping down the hall; it was during the first week when he and Andrea became friends. A fragment of Jim's memory passed through his mind. His life long prayer had been answered.
Andrea's house, where the event took place, she told Jim to what she thought were her true feelings. "Like I told you before Jim, it cannot work, it never will." Andrea said as her arms were opened to show what she thought were her true feelings at the time. "We simply cannot functions as like this, our friendship appears to be a relationship that is not a relationship."
She watched Jim take a sip of tea and did not say a single word back until he finished his cup. "Only if I did things different then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I just wish sometimes things could work out for me, but they don't. All my life I have wanted to be in a relationship that I truly cared about. So when I met you, it was my biggest fear to screw it up, and now I see that I have done just that. Truly too, I always thought that God would simply make things work, maybe I still have to be patient, I am just overwhelmed because you are the greatest person that I have met."
Andrea smiled and covered her face because she was blushing. "There were times when I just simply wished you tried to hold my hand. What is a relationship without the physical connection, it is like we are the same magnets that separate from each other when you put them together."
Jim laid his hand on Andrea's shoulder as it was instantly shrugged off and he said, "Please be straight with me Andrea, what is it you are trying to say to me?"
Andrea looked down at the floor and said, "We simply cannot be friends, I only see cloudy future between us two."
Now with his hands in his pocket, Jim said, "Okay, I get it." And not saying another word, he left the house and sped off in his car filled with anxiety like if a fragment of Jim's soul was ripped out of his chest.
Out in the field, Andrea watched the final moments of the sun and closed her eyes as the memory of when she talked to Jim the other day left her mind.
Back on the pier, Jim caught the final moments of the sunset too as he was saying a prayer for assistance and guidance for the future. Still, all he could think about was Andrea, knowing that it would be the hardest thing he ever had to do. He was day dreaming at the same time that Andrea was standing behind him on the other side thinking of the same exact thing, but he knew truly in his heart that was not true, or was it? Looking behind him, he simply only saw nothing, he only wished it was true, which it was not. Now nodding his head agreeing what he should do, Jim walked off the pier and into his car where he drove off into the new nighttime.
The two were sitting on the couch when they first met watching a movie which they both thought was the greatest thing they had ever seen. Now realizing the moment that Jim was in, he grabbed Andrea's hand to hold it.
Driving down the dark road, Jim said, "I see you as you see me ... look at me. Change your heart cause I am already spoken for." Scratching his nose, Jim simply shook his head thinking of all the fun experiences he had with Andrea over the last year. Smiling, he finally realized that his prayer was truly answer because he always wanted a friend to share so many fun experiences with a person he shared so many common interests with to take away the times where he felt alone in the world.
"God," Jim said, "I want to thank you because you have truly answered my prayer and I want to apologize for not believing in you from taking away the person that meant so much to me. You truly to read your children's hearts and with that, I am blessed." Not knowing what else to say in his prayer, Jim was simply ecstatic from his revelation that he met the coolest person that he has ever known and was given many memories which existed as fragments in his head. "It is truly our memories that have carried me through time."
Jim kept on driving excited to go home and sleep in his bed to awake to a new day that existed to him. Speeding up in his Mini Cooper, he ignored the cold attributes of the winter world around him. Slowly making a approach into the outskirts of town, he stopped at a stop sign, a first in many miles. Outside to the right of him, it was Andrea who was waiting to cross the street because she was keeping a safe distance from driving traffic. Jim looked to his side and at the same time, Andrea did the same, the two crossed eyes. Andrea moved the hair out of her face and looked down; Jim moved over to the passenger door and opened it waving for her to get inside. Andrea sat inside the Mini Cooper where she leaned over and kissed Jim on the cheek. Simply blushing, Jim reached over and held her hand. In the passenger seat, Andrea rolled down the window and smelt the evergreen from the night sky and thought, 'From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.' And under the moonlit sky, they drove off into the distance.
Inside his Mini Cooper, Jim could only stress with the situations that he was getting himself into. The last time he could remember that he was truly happy seem like eons ago. There was a time in his life that he traveled the world, and all he wanted to do now was to escape it. The car was silent and all that was going through Jim's mind was sadness, the girl who he truly was in love with for the longest time said she was departing ways from their friendship.
Andrea was sitting in the passenger seat of a car where the driver was an unknown person to Jim; it was someone that was there to take her away to wherever she wanted to go. This was a girl with a pure heart, a pure soul, and happiness that had the tendency to flow to many who were in her presence. Yet therefore because of the good person she was, Andrea was ashamed, but felt that her actions were the right one. As her hand was floating outside the window, she kept her eyes closed breathing in the thick cold winter air that floated over the countryside. All around her was the strong scent of evergreen and there she sat from the passenger seat thinking that she being driven home.
Hands in his pocket, Jim was taking a walk out onto a frozen pier where his head looked straight up into the sky as he kept his tongue out to collect any snow bits that made their quest from the heavens to the ground below. No words could describe his life except that he has been cheated through all of his life. There were always those bigger and better people that always seem to sweep anybody away that he grew an connection with. As a hopeless romantic, he felt life existed in his head with Jim collaborating scenes like if he was a director to a perfect celestial love story.
Leaning his hands folded over the railing of the pier, he spit over to the frozen water below. Many things that he did not want to think about entered his head which was covered by a beanie that Andrea made for him last birthday. 'Why does this happen to me every time?' thought Jim. A song came into his mind that he remembered one time singing on top of the hillside one night gazing up to the stars thinking about Andrea.
From the top of the flight
Of the wide, white stairs
Through the rest of my life
Do you wait for me there?
"Stop the car." said Andrea.
"What?" said the man that was unknown to Jim, "The sun is setting, and we are miles away from town."
"I said please stop the car." Andrea once said again as she looked directly into the man's eyes.
Not saying anything more, the man gave into her request and stopped the car letting Andrea out into the frozen barren fields off the side of the road. Off into the distance drove the car, and off into the distance Andrea walked.
Continuing to walk for fifteen minutes, Andrea stopped and looked directly into the sun where she kept her eyes fixed on the distance as it slowly began to set to the west. The wind blew furiously as it was giving its last breath before the day ended and the reign of the moon was about to take place. Staring into the sun, Andrea decided not to close her eyes, not understanding the goodbye she gave to Jim. Around her neck, the scarf blew along with the wind; it was the same scarf that Jim had made for her birthday. Her hands were lying restfully in the pea coat that kept her fully warmed and safe from the declining temperatures of the outside.
Andrea let out a cough and out came her thick breath that created a puff of smoke that only stood still for a split second only to be absorbed by the rest of the air. Finally deciding to close her eyes, all Andrea could see under her eyelids were various orange shapes and forms because her eyes were trying to repair themselves from such a long exposure to looking into the sunlight. Andrea's head moved down facing the ground and finally the inevitable came to her, a memory of the past.
All the way out in a distant town, Jim and Andrea sat next to each other in a bus stop because due to an extreme snow storm, they were forced to wait overnight until the roads cleared. With her green scarf wrapped around her neck, Andrea looked down at Jim's shoes thinking of where she was going to be heading in the near future. Next to Andrea, Jim had his arms crossed glancing to the left of him shaking his leg because even though the two were good friends, he was always nervous because of her.
Andrea's eyes shift to her own hands as she began to play with them. 'I wonder if he likes me still. Can't he be bold enough to just simply hold my hand? Being so many miles away from home, I do wonder what goes through his head sometime.' As Andrea was somewhat a little bit upset as she was never being given an attempt, the thought left her mind and her eyes shifted towards her right and outside the window.
Days before being stuck at the bus stop, Andrea thought of another memory of Jim. They were outside at the park lying on the snow watching the night bring bats in to their true habitat. It was the closest that Andrea had been to Jim as her head was resting on his shoulder to keep her warm. Making jokes and telling stories, the moon was the biggest and brightest the two have ever seen them which brought a better view to the nocturnal creatures that existed. Spending the night out in the winter night, her next memory came as Jim was behind Andrea holding her but she was only being caught up in the moment, she did not truly like him at the time, but he was the person who made her smile the most out of anyone she knew.
Now mentally, she was back at the bus stop, but this time she was alone. Getting out of her seat, she was disappointed and mentally headed out into the outside world. Truly, the memories before she was at the bus stop were only false images to her, she never was held in Jim's arms, never watched the stars above, or even spent the night in the wilderness. They were all fragments of Andrea's thoughts. Once again, she made up an image of the two sitting in her living room watching a movie while Jim was holding her hand. All was on her mind was being held, but that was the true reason why she couldn't be friends with him, even though he was given so many chances, he always folded in the end.
Now the two were walking in a large field where only one tree stood, leafless from the winter season. Trying to keep up was Andrea following the fast moving Jim who had his arms in his pockets. It was as if she was in Jim's universe but only existed as a phantom to his mind. "Why is it you never attempted any move with me?" said Andrea as imaginably said in her head trying to catch up with his fast speed. "Don't you care that things don't magically fall into place, you have to make somewhat of an effort you know!" Jim was just to fast for Andrea to catch up, and before she could realize, Andrea was back in the large open field where the sun was almost there to finally setting.
Waking up on his bed in the winter morning, Jim had no idea about the day that was about to happen to him. Scratching his hair, he got up, showered and went outside into the winter air. It was as if he lived this memory over a thousand of times within the last twenty-four hours because it was later that night, his life would be changed for ever.
It was night time. Jim and Andrea were walking together down a dimly lit street heading to her house where she was going to talk to Jim about their friendship. Jim thought the completely opposite thing; his romantic side came into mind.
The trip they took a week earlier came into thought for Jim, there in the bus station, he could of swore that Andrea kept on getting closer to him in the seats but as every inch she moved, Jim would back away an inch. Out of anyone he knew, Jim was the one who always buckled under pressure. The time almost hit past midnight in the bus stop and there was Jim sitting there fiddling with his fingers as Andrea was nearly resting her head right next to his thigh on the chairs. What do you do in such a situation to not make it weird?
The next morning came after Andrea talked to him and fragments of Jim came into his own mind as he walked down the parking lot of his old high school thinking of what he could do to fix the mistakes that he once made.
Taking a trip back to Andrea's birthday, it was where Jim gave her a present that he hoped would end his hopeless romantic streak and win over her heart, a bouquet of pink flowers and a box which contain a green scarf which he made for her. It was if Jim was sitting a mile away from her on the park bench because he was, again, nervous out of his mind. Handing the flowers to Andrea, she sniffed them, looked at Jim, smiled, and that was it.
Jim slept on the couch downstairs that night after he had a long talk to Andrea; he was in complete shock and utter confusion. Everything that he invested himself into the last nine months was erased instantly, he knew he made the ultimate mistake, and he was paying for it.
Alone, in his dream he was, sitting on a couch in a living room where there was a party and moving in fast forward, all the people that he knew in his life, and the ones that he fell in love with were passing him by in an instant motion. To Jim, it was as if he was living his life in a mere few seconds symbolizing that life is too short and waiting around for love to come to him instead of going to it is not the best strategy.
There was a tear that fell down Jim's cheek.
There was a tear that feel down Andrea's cheek.
In their minds, there was only silence.
Jim was skipping down the hall; it was during the first week when he and Andrea became friends. A fragment of Jim's memory passed through his mind. His life long prayer had been answered.
Andrea's house, where the event took place, she told Jim to what she thought were her true feelings. "Like I told you before Jim, it cannot work, it never will." Andrea said as her arms were opened to show what she thought were her true feelings at the time. "We simply cannot functions as like this, our friendship appears to be a relationship that is not a relationship."
She watched Jim take a sip of tea and did not say a single word back until he finished his cup. "Only if I did things different then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I just wish sometimes things could work out for me, but they don't. All my life I have wanted to be in a relationship that I truly cared about. So when I met you, it was my biggest fear to screw it up, and now I see that I have done just that. Truly too, I always thought that God would simply make things work, maybe I still have to be patient, I am just overwhelmed because you are the greatest person that I have met."
Andrea smiled and covered her face because she was blushing. "There were times when I just simply wished you tried to hold my hand. What is a relationship without the physical connection, it is like we are the same magnets that separate from each other when you put them together."
Jim laid his hand on Andrea's shoulder as it was instantly shrugged off and he said, "Please be straight with me Andrea, what is it you are trying to say to me?"
Andrea looked down at the floor and said, "We simply cannot be friends, I only see cloudy future between us two."
Now with his hands in his pocket, Jim said, "Okay, I get it." And not saying another word, he left the house and sped off in his car filled with anxiety like if a fragment of Jim's soul was ripped out of his chest.
Out in the field, Andrea watched the final moments of the sun and closed her eyes as the memory of when she talked to Jim the other day left her mind.
Back on the pier, Jim caught the final moments of the sunset too as he was saying a prayer for assistance and guidance for the future. Still, all he could think about was Andrea, knowing that it would be the hardest thing he ever had to do. He was day dreaming at the same time that Andrea was standing behind him on the other side thinking of the same exact thing, but he knew truly in his heart that was not true, or was it? Looking behind him, he simply only saw nothing, he only wished it was true, which it was not. Now nodding his head agreeing what he should do, Jim walked off the pier and into his car where he drove off into the new nighttime.
The two were sitting on the couch when they first met watching a movie which they both thought was the greatest thing they had ever seen. Now realizing the moment that Jim was in, he grabbed Andrea's hand to hold it.
Driving down the dark road, Jim said, "I see you as you see me ... look at me. Change your heart cause I am already spoken for." Scratching his nose, Jim simply shook his head thinking of all the fun experiences he had with Andrea over the last year. Smiling, he finally realized that his prayer was truly answer because he always wanted a friend to share so many fun experiences with a person he shared so many common interests with to take away the times where he felt alone in the world.
"God," Jim said, "I want to thank you because you have truly answered my prayer and I want to apologize for not believing in you from taking away the person that meant so much to me. You truly to read your children's hearts and with that, I am blessed." Not knowing what else to say in his prayer, Jim was simply ecstatic from his revelation that he met the coolest person that he has ever known and was given many memories which existed as fragments in his head. "It is truly our memories that have carried me through time."
Jim kept on driving excited to go home and sleep in his bed to awake to a new day that existed to him. Speeding up in his Mini Cooper, he ignored the cold attributes of the winter world around him. Slowly making a approach into the outskirts of town, he stopped at a stop sign, a first in many miles. Outside to the right of him, it was Andrea who was waiting to cross the street because she was keeping a safe distance from driving traffic. Jim looked to his side and at the same time, Andrea did the same, the two crossed eyes. Andrea moved the hair out of her face and looked down; Jim moved over to the passenger door and opened it waving for her to get inside. Andrea sat inside the Mini Cooper where she leaned over and kissed Jim on the cheek. Simply blushing, Jim reached over and held her hand. In the passenger seat, Andrea rolled down the window and smelt the evergreen from the night sky and thought, 'From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.' And under the moonlit sky, they drove off into the distance.
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