After a long time traveling on his hover craft, Micah finally made it to his brother, Everest which lay deep in the Himalayas. Micah's brother, Everest was known to be a very knowledgeable guy who many mountains went to seek guidance and... compassion.
Taking a stroll through Nepal, Micah finally reached his brother where he groomed his mustache just so he would look appropriate for the meeting of the two. At his amazement, he was shocked on how big Everest grew over the last couple billions of years.
"Oh dear Everest!" said Micah, "It is I, Micah visiting you since we haven't see each other in lifetimes!"
Looking through his purple shades, Everest said, "Micah! How long has it been? I was hoping that the glory of tectonic plates would bring our souls once again in the future, but I have waited too long for this glorious moment, how art thou brother?"
Noticing all the mountanist babes on Everest, Micah looked enthralled on how he was able to do such a thing.
"I thought you were getting lonely up here brother, but it seems like you are quite busy!" said Micah.
Everest smiled and looked back at Micah, "Oh yes indeed, many humans come to visit me every year and climb on top of my head to look at the world below. A very weird concept, but it sure attracts the mountain babes as you see they are just clinging on to me. It is hard being so big, right now I have the Prime Minister of Russia, Vladamir Putin, and his team climbing me right now. Do you want to say high to Putin?"
Micah nodded his head in agreement.
"Hello Micah!" said Vladimir Putin, "Oh wow that is a glorious mustache you got there, I wish I could grow one like that!"
Dazed and confused, Micah wondered off into the sky and waved his brother goodbye because he was just too excited to see him he really didn't know what to do!
Accidentally going too far off into the distance, Micah somehow ended up in the South Pacific where he landed on volcano island. The creation of Volcano Island was a McDonald's where they forward calls from drive through just so they can save a pretty penny but exploit their workers in third world countries.
The Island started to become very mad and eventually Volcano Island turned into, you guess it, volcanoes! OH NO MICAH! Trying to escape as fast as he could, he managed to get out of the bigger part of the volcano explosions and happened to run across a hiker who was about be engulfed by one of the lava mouths.
"Help me oh mustache wonder!" yelled the hiker, "I am about to be turned into a McChile!"
Without any hesitation, Micah used his high tech hovercraft and swooped down and saved the hiker from instant McDeath.
Picking up the hiker, Micah began to notice that he was actually a nice guy, not like the ones who try to make you sign those scary petitions or those type of things.
"Hello there Mr. Mustache!" said the Hiker all friendly and warm.
"Don't call me Mustache, Micah is good." said Micah to the friendly and warm Hiker.
"You saved my life, and with that I owe you. As a gift, I shall share with you one of my secrets, the meaning of life." said the hiker.
Micah smiled and let the hiker continue on hoping that he wasn't setting him up to sign a petition.
"Well you see Micah, life has many wonders, just like the board game, we just have to play it one step at a time. I have to let you know, with those good looks that you possess and that thick mustache, I'll be honest, you can probably pick up any babes you want to with that face of hair."
"Like my brother Everest?"
"No." demanded the Hiker, "Even better, John Travolta has nothing on you, neither does Tom Cruise, we can make a great team you know! Just let me show you the hopes and in no time you will be reproducing with mountains left and right to make hills and knolls!"
As the sun was beginning to set, Micah smiled back at the Hiker. Sitting down on one of Micah's rocks, the Hiker sang a song about Mountain Babes and they floated off into the next day.
To be continued with chapter IV...
If you missed the last two chapters, you can view them here!
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