The spirit of the time; the general intellectual
After beginning my quest into creative arts back in February, I would like to introduce to you some of the drawings from my book that I made titled Zeitgeist which I was in spirit at the time to draw using crayons and expressing my feelings & ideas. Below are a couple of drawings with the meaning and commentary beneath them. I hope you enjoy my artwork!

Aurora Borealis was a picture that I really enjoyed doing because the Aurora Borealis in general has always been something that has fascinated me and always wanted to experience seeing their lights. Apparently, this picture portrays the Inuit people in northern Canada and a beginning of a winter's night, which can last for over 30 days at best. After doing this sketch in my math class, I moved it into a drawing and eventually after drawing the igloos and the people, I kind of went off the deep end and added in my own flavor. If you happen to notice, there is that random object on the right hand side, that is actually supposed to be a government labratory and the green dots over the sunset are UFOS, including the one hiding behind the aurora borealis on the upper right . I guess you can simply say, I like drawing UFOS.
8) On Another Distant Planet

9) Andross and his amazing friends
Andross and his Amazing Friends is kind of a cross over between the character Andross from Star Fox (SNES) and my brother Andrew. The characters in this drawing are various ones that I drew over time in my math class and decided to splice them all together into one fun group of friends. Andross the Magician is what I call him and he tries to pick up on ladies by showing he has the talents of shooting pixels at people. I always thought it would be cool to have an umbrella that is alive and scary.
10) A Brand New Colony
A Brand New Colony is titled from the song by Postal Service, Brand New Colony. I love to draw spaceships and this one was kind of a little influenced by the movie Sunshine (just because of the organic ecosystem they have). Simply this one is about a spaceship going to another planet to colonize it, since I am a firm believer in space colonization and exploration, I am representing my colors by drawing this drawing. I know one day, we will reach beyond our own solar system and hopefully the space ship would look as cool as this one above.
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