Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Songs flow from where the motherland is greater than Heaven,
Out emerges a cacophony of broken hearts and stories,
To honor their existence so they will not disappear.

The taste of the Himalayas,
Nine Jewels,
Five Elements,
They fill the soul and spirit,
To express the purpose of peace.

Though they roam in circles in the streets,
We give bread and water to their society.
When they go to give their last breath,
Will there be one to honor their life and death?

We bow to you,
For we are grateful of the blood
That carries the nutrients of this world.

That shrilling cry under the city moon,
The City of Fog's streets looms
With those finding a home.

Let there be a salutation to you,
For those who have lived a faithful life to choose.


(Dedicated to those who serve faithfully every Tuesday at Civic Center for Curry Without Worry to  feed the homeless, thank you.) 

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