Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taking a Break

Taking a Break

Taking a break from the blogging industry since I'll be out of town for a while. When I return there will be more Micah the Mountain episodes and even a new art project that I am currently going to be working on. Here's a hint, the index to alchemy, got it? So be ready when it comes. Here are some selected works of mine to keep you busy.

See you in the future.
- Jon-o

Micah The Mountain: Origins

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Dawn for a New Adventure

Last night symbolized the ending of an era and the beginning of a new one. During my adventures I have been about traveling from what you would call, a distant futuristic / post apocalyptic arctic world. N0t to go into details because I am not ready to write about it, here is the random show that I experienced which was all in this large abandoned office.

!!! (Chk Chk Chk) with The Go Team!

Dillinger Escape Plan with Randy Newman on keyboards

The Mars Volta with Perry Farrell on vocals

Gorillaz w/ De La Soul

John Mayer / NERD jam session

MIA / Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five

Headliner: Perry Farrell / John Mayer / Randy Newman / Russel Hobbs / Ben Weinman / Flea

The dream ended with me looking off at one of the old palaces and the water in the background with the sun rising. My friend ran off where I could not find her, and I stood there with my head looking into the air smiling saying to myself, 'Where does my next adventure lead to?'

Virtual Console: Mega Man 2

Mega Man 2 : The Mystery of Dr. Wiley

Upon completing Super Mario RPG tonight, here is my next line up, the epic... Mega Man 2

Mega Man 2 takes place after the original Mega Man, which was set in the year 200X. Dr. Wily, the series' main antagonist, built a new fortress and army of robotic henchmen, led by eight new Robot Masters of his design. Mega Man was sent by his creator, Dr. Light, to defeat the Dr. Wily and his Robot Masters.

Need I say more???

Watch this video to get a good idea on mega man 2.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Zeitgeist: Volume II


The spirit of the time; the general intellectual
and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.

After beginning my quest into creative arts back in February, I would like to introduce to you some of the drawings from my book that I made titled Zeitgeist which I was in spirit at the time to draw using crayons and expressing my feelings & ideas. Below are a couple of drawings with the meaning and commentary beneath them. I hope you enjoy my artwork!
- Jon-o

6) New Wave

New Wave is a drawing that was comprised and inspired by one of my favorite genres of music, New Wave. My scanner doesn't work all that well, but the actual picture is very vibrant in colors, just like the 80's style. The vision I had for the characters were that they are very expressive people and have each their own unique personality. You got all of them dancing and enjoying their time, just like how we should see our lives. When we have a problem that stresses us out, just dance it off.
7) Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis was a picture that I really enjoyed doing because the Aurora Borealis in general has always been something that has fascinated me and always wanted to experience seeing their lights. Apparently, this picture portrays the Inuit people in northern Canada and a beginning of a winter's night, which can last for over 30 days at best. After doing this sketch in my math class, I moved it into a drawing and eventually after drawing the igloos and the people, I kind of went off the deep end and added in my own flavor. If you happen to notice, there is that random object on the right hand side, that is actually supposed to be a government labratory and the green dots over the sunset are UFOS, including the one hiding behind the aurora borealis on the upper right . I guess you can simply say, I like drawing UFOS.

8) On Another Distant Planet

This is one of my personal favorites that I did, and it was featured in the Fearless Artshow back in June. You can call this a follow up to my other drawing, On A Distant Planet, but this time they are on Another Distant Planet. Makes sense? In this drawing I made two alien species interacting with each other, both I have seen in one of my dreams and thought I would draw them. The one on the right is holding a flower and the one on the left is growing a flower. The environmental issue is very clear in this one as I represented tree stumps for deforestation, and the air pollution from the factory. The hidden story behind this one was that in the future, there are three main galatic federations, and this is another federation's planet and their non-caring method of using it. At the rate we are going with deforestation, our planet will soon look like this one.

9) Andross and his amazing friends

Andross and his Amazing Friends is kind of a cross over between the character Andross from Star Fox (SNES) and my brother Andrew. The characters in this drawing are various ones that I drew over time in my math class and decided to splice them all together into one fun group of friends. Andross the Magician is what I call him and he tries to pick up on ladies by showing he has the talents of shooting pixels at people. I always thought it would be cool to have an umbrella that is alive and scary.

10) A Brand New Colony

A Brand New Colony is titled from the song by Postal Service, Brand New Colony. I love to draw spaceships and this one was kind of a little influenced by the movie Sunshine (just because of the organic ecosystem they have). Simply this one is about a spaceship going to another planet to colonize it, since I am a firm believer in space colonization and exploration, I am representing my colors by drawing this drawing. I know one day, we will reach beyond our own solar system and hopefully the space ship would look as cool as this one above.

I hope you enjoyed my drawings and check back next time in the near future for Volume III!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Retro Jon-o : DWDP Episodes 11 - 13

Retro Jon-o

Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
(Celebrating Five Years of Clean Pizza!)

Episode XI: Pizza Man

Hey, hey, hey! I made it to New York today! What a great site to look at! There are just so many places to see and to enjoy! Well I decided to "hang" around with Spider Man, (street name: Pizza Man) and fight off the dirty pizza on the streets of N.Y.! I'm glad I came back to N.Y. because this is where the former Pizza H.Q. was until it was destroyed. Eh... Well my friend Spidey is great at what he does... He shoots out some string thing that prevents guys attacking him... Well we were walking home from pizza time until me and spidey saw this clean pizza falling off a bridge, so Spider Man quickly grabbed it and the other lady who had been intoxicated with some dirty pizza... It was a crazy site but luckily we managed to get out of it and got back home to have enough time to finish the rest the pizza at my Pizza Time party... The pizza was so good I thought I would have Pizza Fest at my new house...

Episode XII: The Quest for Hope

Here we go, behind me walking is my pizza team as they're about to go into space and fight off a gigantic dirty pizza that is going to fall upon to the earth and kill us all if not stopped. Don't listen to what the government says to you, but this pizza mission will be the most dangerous yet... If we fail, then the earth will fall... sounds great doesn't it? Even these guys are average pizza shop owners, we trust them that they already know how to use a space ship and guide us to freedom! So when you go to sleep tonight pray that these men with courage of no other will pull through... Long live clean pizza and down with dirty pizza for all an all of everyone's natural lives...

Episode XIII: The Pizza, the Terminator, and the Wardrobe

Yup as you can see here this is my good friend, Mr. T-101, this is newer model from the old T-100 who was killed in a factory and was emo. My mission here is to save this kid John Connor from eating some dirty pizza that will cause the up rise of dirty pizza all across the United States... Yuk, I know that sounds just delicious! Well we have a huge problem; the T-101 likes to eat dirty pizzas! What kind of sick freak would like to eat dirty pizzas? I know I wouldn't...? Oh well, we have to stop the evil T-1000 who isn't emo and wants to make the T-101 cry because he's the newest version of emo power... This T-1000 guy is scary and shouldn't be messed with... When me and the Terminator went into the mall we came across the T-1000 and a huge battle started in which we fought for ground with pizza! Luckily the T-101 was there and my life was saved to this emo guy...!?! I and the T-101 are going to do some more field word and maybe we can settle something out...

Thank you for time traveling with me! See you all next week!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Micah the Mountain Origins: Chapter III

Micah the Mountain Origins
Chapter III

After a long time traveling on his hover craft, Micah finally made it to his brother, Everest which lay deep in the Himalayas. Micah's brother, Everest was known to be a very knowledgeable guy who many mountains went to seek guidance and... compassion.

Taking a stroll through Nepal, Micah finally reached his brother where he groomed his mustache just so he would look appropriate for the meeting of the two. At his amazement, he was shocked on how big Everest grew over the last couple billions of years.

"Oh dear Everest!" said Micah, "It is I, Micah visiting you since we haven't see each other in lifetimes!"

Looking through his purple shades, Everest said, "Micah! How long has it been? I was hoping that the glory of tectonic plates would bring our souls once again in the future, but I have waited too long for this glorious moment, how art thou brother?"

Noticing all the mountanist babes on Everest, Micah looked enthralled on how he was able to do such a thing.

"I thought you were getting lonely up here brother, but it seems like you are quite busy!" said Micah.

Everest smiled and looked back at Micah, "Oh yes indeed, many humans come to visit me every year and climb on top of my head to look at the world below. A very weird concept, but it sure attracts the mountain babes as you see they are just clinging on to me. It is hard being so big, right now I have the Prime Minister of Russia, Vladamir Putin, and his team climbing me right now. Do you want to say high to Putin?"

Micah nodded his head in agreement.

"Hello Micah!" said Vladimir Putin, "Oh wow that is a glorious mustache you got there, I wish I could grow one like that!"

Dazed and confused, Micah wondered off into the sky and waved his brother goodbye because he was just too excited to see him he really didn't know what to do!

Accidentally going too far off into the distance, Micah somehow ended up in the South Pacific where he landed on volcano island. The creation of Volcano Island was a McDonald's where they forward calls from drive through just so they can save a pretty penny but exploit their workers in third world countries.

The Island started to become very mad and eventually Volcano Island turned into, you guess it, volcanoes! OH NO MICAH! Trying to escape as fast as he could, he managed to get out of the bigger part of the volcano explosions and happened to run across a hiker who was about be engulfed by one of the lava mouths.

"Help me oh mustache wonder!" yelled the hiker, "I am about to be turned into a McChile!"

Without any hesitation, Micah used his high tech hovercraft and swooped down and saved the hiker from instant McDeath.

Picking up the hiker, Micah began to notice that he was actually a nice guy, not like the ones who try to make you sign those scary petitions or those type of things.

"Hello there Mr. Mustache!" said the Hiker all friendly and warm.

"Don't call me Mustache, Micah is good." said Micah to the friendly and warm Hiker.

"You saved my life, and with that I owe you. As a gift, I shall share with you one of my secrets, the meaning of life." said the hiker.

Micah smiled and let the hiker continue on hoping that he wasn't setting him up to sign a petition.

"Well you see Micah, life has many wonders, just like the board game, we just have to play it one step at a time. I have to let you know, with those good looks that you possess and that thick mustache, I'll be honest, you can probably pick up any babes you want to with that face of hair."

"Like my brother Everest?"

"No." demanded the Hiker, "Even better, John Travolta has nothing on you, neither does Tom Cruise, we can make a great team you know! Just let me show you the hopes and in no time you will be reproducing with mountains left and right to make hills and knolls!"

As the sun was beginning to set, Micah smiled back at the Hiker. Sitting down on one of Micah's rocks, the Hiker sang a song about Mountain Babes and they floated off into the next day.

To be continued with chapter IV...

If you missed the last two chapters, you can view them here!

The Wilderness

Here is a recent art piece that I did which ranges 24 x 36 (2 ft x 3 ft) and it is my view of the wilderness, which it is titled The Wilderness. I used colored pencils and took me a bit of a while, but thanks to procrasination and determination, I managed to finish it.
If you click on the image, it gets quite larger so you can view it fully. Plus it is big enough if you wish to make it your desktop. ;- )
I hope you enjoy my creation.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Explosions in the Sky

Witnessing the Death of a Star

Like if it we were witnessing a battle that only could be described in A Wrinkle in Time, it has officially been confirmed by Jeff Girard that one mid-summer's night in the high Sierras that we were given a show of a star's death that its light came from around 7 billion years ago. What an experience, being the sci-fi guru that I am this is quite a high honor to watch the death of the lights that we watch at night and smile. The amazing thing is that there will be one point in the Earth's history when the Sun will become an exploding star and light years away an alien race will witness our explosion many eons later.

Here is the official article below that was posted under Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst

A new study of a stellar explosion visible from halfway across the universe finds that the blast had an unusual structure that researchers heretofore had never observed.

Gamma-ray burst GRB 080319B was already on record as the brightest stellar explosion ever recorded.

Now astronomers have analyzed the visible afterglow of the burst and found that the emitted light peaked initially an hour after the burst and a second time 11 days later.

They report today in Nature that the most likely explanation is the GRB produced a pair of relativistic (very high speed) jets, one inside the other. Gas and dust surrounding the exploding star flared with light each time a jet struck it.

Detectors on NASA's Swift Gamma-Ray Burst satellite and by the Russian Konus gamma-ray instrument on board NASA's Wind satellite detected the initial burst on March 19.

It just so happened that a pair of optical telescopes on the ground was observing the last GRB, 080319A, which had gone off 30 minutes before in the same part of the sky.

These telescopes, along with Swift's own UV/Optical Telescope and other robotic telescopes alerted by the satellites, monitored the six-week afterglow of visible light following the burst.

Scientists believe GRB 080319B would have been visible to the naked eye for about 40 seconds if anyone had been looking its way, toward the constellation Bootes.

This is all the more remarkable given that it exploded an estimated 7.4 billion years ago—before the sun and Earth had formed.

It's the most complete picture of a GRB ever seen, says study author Judith Racusin, an astrophysicist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

"They've been sort of waiting around for something this bright," she says, referring to the telescopes. "It was just really luck that the brightest burst happened to occur and they were looking at it."

Longer lasting GRBs are believed to occur when a massive star collapses into a black hole, sparking a supernova explosion and whipping gas and dust into a pair of jets projecting in opposite directions.

Researchers had suggested that a nested jet could exist, Racusin says, but nobody had envisioned the inner jet moving so fast and producing all the gamma-rays by itself—part of the team's interpretation.

She notes that the strategy of using Swift to aim ground telescopes at GRBs is paying off, turning up rarer kinds of bursts that push beyond the simplest models for the explosions. "We're not going to see them very often," she says, "so we just need to keep looking."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zeitgeist: Volume I

The spirit of the time; the general intellectual
and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.

After beginning my quest into creative arts back in February, I would like to introduce to you some of the drawings from my book that I made titled Zeitgeist which I was in spirit at the time to draw using crayons and expressing my feelings & ideas. Below are a couple of drawings with the meaning and commentary beneath them. I hope you enjoy my artwork!
- Jon-o

1) The Perplexity of Creation

The Perplexity of Creation is the beginning of this epic project that I set out to do in my Zeitgeist collection. Basically the concept of this drawing was from the idea that I love robots and I love oranges. The thought came into my mind that robots are machines that really do not understand the concept of reality and the beauty of creation, which is why he looks so perplexed when he is holding an orange simply because they cannot taste it. The back story I had was this alien robot came to earth to scout out the area when what amazed him the most was the orange, but knows that his creators back home will enjoy it. Just like in reality, it makes us think that there is so much majesty in the world and if we compare ourselves to machines or become, we soon will lose the sense of love and happiness. This robot drawing was in an art show that I participated in called, The Fearless Art Show. It was all ran by Trader Joe’s employees, and this was one of my six pieces featured in it. Notice a special friend in the right bottom corner?

2) On a Distant Planet

On a Distant Planet the second drawing that I did and it represents, you guessed it, a distant planet that takes place in the distant future where man has created a new space colony. In this picture, I am showing a creature which to me is a mixture of a polar bear mixed with tropical features to make it seem like a friendly alien creature. The machine in the background represents industry and the destruction of the planet. One of the back stories I came up for this drawing was that humans destroyed earth and they have moved on to another one, and this process has been now repeating itself to the point where once again the skies are polluted and the environment is destroyed. Represented by the colony in the background, the smoke coming from the machine, and the large cutting saw, they are all signs of destruction and loss of hope. If we cannot take care of our own planet, what makes us think that we can take care of a distant one?

3) Xanthia's Landing

Xanthia’s landing is some concept art from my book that I wrote last year titled, Sunset into the Eastern Shore. It is where an alien robot comes from the future to tell Jonathan and Phoebe that the world is about to be destroyed by an evil scientist with the launch of a civilian tourist space flight across the nation. This picture is one of my favorites and was really glad I was able to make it to what I had in my book. This piece was featured in an art show back in July and I gave it to my friend Naomi as thanks for her inspiration because from her creative talents, it is one of the reasons I started to draw and get into creative writing. Below, is an excerpt from my book to give you another illustration that this mysterious character Xanthia is.

Blinded by the white light, it was hard to make out what the person looked like. Climbing his way out of the hole, his figure was revealed and Phoebe shrieked at the loudest that Jonathan has ever heard someone, “Oh my dear, Jonathan, is this real?”
Jonathan was shivering because the man from the metallic sphere looked like something from a science fiction movie. He had a glowing jumpsuit that was to exact replica like the ones worn in the movie Tron, and on his head was an deep sea diving helmet that had a big X on the center of it.

4) Professor Menorov's Revelation

Professor Menorov’s Revelation, another concept art from my book which is at the last few chapters of Sunset into the Eastern Shore. This drawing too, was featured in an art show back in June. In this part, Jonathan falls into a dream where he has a vision where Menorov describes his toxic gas that is responsible for thousands of deaths across America. In this picture I decided to add in a few fun things like a little Wii remote on the table and a knife, which is something I really have trouble drawing, so I threw it in there too. On the actual copy, the gas looks like it would be glow in the dark since it is a mixture of greens and yellows. Below, is another excerpt from my book:

Looking over to his left was one of the tents glowed a green color from the inside. Out of his own concern, he went and entered the tent only to see one of the people looking into a clear box that had green smoke emanating from it.
Jonathan said to the man in the lab coat, “Sir, did you hear the explosion? Is everyone OK?”
The man looking at Jonathan looked back at the green smoke inside the box and said, “Isn’t it amazing? This small amount of this chemical can kill up to a million people and just to think that they accidentally mixed it with the space flight last week in their fuel. Sad to think if this box would ever leak, the damage on this camp would be catastrophic, and with the president coming tomorrow, I will be extra careful.”

5) These Arms Are Snakes

These Arms are Snakes is a pretty simple drawing and has a very simple description, I got the idea from a Math-core band called These Arms are Snakes. One day I was thinking to myself and thought… What if I had arms that were snakes? So I made a visual representation of what someone would look like if they had snakes for arms. Still following me? And if anybody had a house with snakes as their arms, they would have a very cool fireplace that looked like a skull and a house with only two windows painted purple and light blue.
Check out their Myspace to hear there music at...
I hope you enjoyed my drawings and check back next time in the near future for Volume II!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh... What a Life (a poem)

Oh... What a Life

Oh... what a wonderful life!
I want to run and sing.
Spending time with you
Has always been my favorite thing.

One place after another,
we adventure through time.
For some reason your smile,
Makes all my worries seem fine.

Oh... what a wonderful life!
We laugh, we dance, we cry in the rain.
Side by side with you,
Has always been my favorite thing.

I do not know when my life began,
But... on one fateful September.
I do know when we first became friends.
A month that I shall always remember,

Oh... what a wonderful life!
You are the one in my dreams.
Knowing you are my friend,
Has always been my favorite thing.

I am ready to say I love you.
Standing on the beach to the setting sun.
A man approaches from the distance.
Instead of me, into his arms you run.

Oh... what has happened to my life?
Everything seem so perfect to me.
She has given her heart to someone else.
God, why is this something I never did see?

It was like a shadow in the night.
Trying to win her heart, I did not quit.
In the nighttime, I came and went.
My love, it will be I who she will soon forget.

Oh... how I have failed in life.
Another hopeless romantic quest.
It's true how I always adored you.
In the end... I was always second best.

The Hell Deluge

The Hell Deluge

There is a siren in the distance,
We run from something invisible.
As the shadow of the past chases us,
We run through the green hills,
I cannot believe the stories of what I've heard.

The dead are walking the earth.

Erasing what our society has kept for many years...


The skies rain blood,
This world is a nuclear wasteland.
Where is my love?
Where is my wife?

It doesn't matter anymore,
Soon I will be among them...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Retro Jon-o : DWDP Episodes 7 - 10

Retro Jon-o

Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
(Celebrating Five Years of Clean Pizza!)

Episode VII: The Dirty Pizza That Destroyed Us All...

EH... What a bad dream... I had a dream where I was in the pizza headquarters telling Alf to leave the building before it was too late, before the Dirty Pizza engulfed his furriness... It was scary, seeing Alf talking to Soda Sam and Homeless Harl... Then Alf took his break and went up to the floor which all the secret pizza files and documents are stored... He was on the same floor that got hit by that big dirty pizza and the great open soda bottle! I kept on yelling, "Alf!! Get out!!! Get out now!!!" And the last thing I ever saw of him was Alf saying, "Wow, that's a pretty big dirty pizza..." Losing Alf was hard because that guy was like family to me... It sucks when you lose all your pizza and a best friend all in one day. Our fur ball gruff is lost but not forgotten thanks to that Dirty Pizza that destroyed us all... I hope one day me and the Great Poop can take over the dirty pizza H.Q. After this bad dream I had a chance to think to myself... Why are we here, why has dirty pizza came to be, what's with open soda bottles??? I bet everyday you ponder those same questions too. But I promise you... just because I had a bad dream doesn't mean this is over... it's far from over... Just because I only have my pizza left doesn't mean I’m going to go down without a fight!! DWDP

The dirty pizza up in the sky...

A poem to the dead.

Let this mistake bring a vivid crystal to their eyes...

So drain out the dirty pizza before the cheese brings a choke.

I can't inhale the sparkle of your soda...

Episode VIII: Dirty Pizza, the final frontier...

Dirty pizza, the final frontier... That's what my friend Capt. Kirk was saying on the enterprise when he picked me up from my house and we cruised around space... I told him about the destruction about Pizza H.Q., and he became very sad... We spent hours how to ambush the pizza... Mr. Spock had many good ideas but they only seem to work in the future time, not present time... When coming back on the bridge Mr. Spock noticed that the dirty pizza radar was going of the charts! We knew this couldn't be true! Capt. Kirk went to red alert as we stood in shock, not knowing what to do... Then I figured it out...! We should fill up torpedoes with pizza and shoot it at the object, but wait that would be destroying the pizza and getting the great poop upset! So we just decided to shoot two regular torpedoes... Then we had to get out of there, so I told Mr. Sulu to take us out on impulse power... After we destroyed the dirty pizza we all celebrated with some Clean Pizza and Closed Soda Bottles...!! Wow that was a really fun and action packed trip! I'm glad that the angry flower didn't bloomed and ate us alive..! I wonder what's next in for our anti-dirty pizza movement... I hope we get to take this to a whole new level instead of being lost in a television world....DOWN WITH DIRTY PIZZA!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!! Yay! Hurrah! Eh...

Episode IX: Into The Matrix: Part II

As Tank hooked me up into the matrix, we had only one thing on our minds... To destroy dirty pizza. I met up with this guy called Neo and we went into this building to help save Morpheus. We went up the elevator after battling a bunch of Dirty Pizza SWAT members in a lobby, and then we destroyed the elevator. It was a tough climb after we battled off the Anti-Pizza resistance groups but it was all fun and games to me. We got to the top of the roof to snag a helicopter, and then we ran into none other then, Agent Smith... He wanted our pizza and he wanted it now! So he started to throw dirty pizza at Neo, surprisingly he started to dodge the pizza one by one as he was quickly moving, faster then the Great Poop himself... After all that was over with, Neo was shocked and surprised on what just happened... It was a marvelous scene to watch and glorify at...! We got into the dirty pizza helicopter and got out quickly of the dirty pizza head quarters... that place you never want to be in it again, it smells worst then the almighty open soda bottle... eh...! We got in touch with Tank once again and we went back into the real world as we got a connected line and we all went home... Wow! What a fun and exciting day... Instead of going to Chicago, I'm going to go over to New York next time!

Episode X: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Pizza

Instead of going to New York for the week, I decided to head over to DWDP Boarding School, where there's pizza and wizardry, it's pretty cool there... But enough about that, it all started when I received a call from Harry for me to come over and hang out, so I said yes. So I take the Pizzawarts express and head over... When I came over we started to battle evil people like people who do bad things and such. The real reason I came was to learn about the Sorcerer's pizza. A pizza that if you eat it you'll live forever... It seems pretty cool but it's guarded by this huge three headed dog called Pizzaie. The school is pretty nice, but it smells really bad! Also we suspect that there could be something wrong with the school; cause when Harry was playing some evil pizza attacked him... Searching high, and searching low, I couldn't find the pizza... Maybe next time... maybe next time... Anyways, Harry is mean sometimes; I hope he jumps off a bridge... soon.

Thank you for time traveling with me! See you all next week!

Friday, September 5, 2008


The Seasons have changed
Awake, I reach for the sun
My life starts anew.

I sit here alone.
Will my light ever reach you?
I'm too far away...

Many times I've prayed
Can you hear me? I'm calling...
Behind these bars, lost.

Unique you are, blessed.
Joy, emanates from inside.
Who could ask for more?

Beautiful you are.
Honesty that lies inside.
What a path I've crossed

A boy in the wind.
He travels across the world.
That's all she lives for.

Wolf's Rain

Lost under the moon,
Howling to the stars above.
A wolf I am, brave.

Her eyes, they glow red.
Bloomed under the lunar light
Paradise... She'll lead.

Nothing But EarthBound

Save earth from giygas,
Hurry! Summon Jeff, Paula, and Poo,
Saved the world thanks to you

It was that meteorite that crashed
Late night in the hills of Onett
A legend was born that day
The adventure started there
Time when heroes faded away
There was only evil and despair

He left his house with only a cracked bat
Knowing he may never even come back
now he has became earthbound
Bounded to seek a higher truth
Fighting the good fight

To him friends will never die
Pokey will face the wrath of PSI
One by one the sanctuaries must be found
Buzz Buzz was right
The Sound Stone will save the world

Ness, a kid, only a kid,
Sacrificed his own life to save others
Traveled back into the past to save his own
No one to aid him for help
Not even his dad, the phone.

Earth is saved, earth is saved
There is still good in this world
Perhaps one day we will look back on this tale
How four kids sacrificed their lives
Good will brought their spirits back

In between life and death
In between future and past


Eventide, the twilight hour has come.
The celestial regions are lonely.
Through the skies, at mach speeds, he soars above.
Equipped with black shades, he does not worry.
Zoomer, one who peregrinates through time.
Dinosaurs, spaceships, he has seen it all.
Throughout the world, everyone can hear him chime.
Cyclones and hurricanes, he brings the squall.
Out there, love awaits that he has not found.
Rosy cheeks, rosy lips, she moves with grace.
For zoomer, this destiny is cloud bound.
At their mach speeds, their love is a grand chase.
Loneliness he lives, he waits no longer.
Persevere O' Zoomer! You are stronger!

Legend of the Wind Waker

Call upon the winds
Sailing, the King of Red Lions
The light shall prevail

Riding on the sea
Searching, the Hero of Time
Darkness grows tonight

Instrument of old.
On a leaf, I play with grace.
A new seed is laid.

Engulfed by water
The golden stone has been lost
Courage, Wisdom, Strength

Something beneath me
Scorpions, the bite my tail.
How does one grow wings?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Faces of the Past

I see the faces of the past...
But they do not change
There stands me on the second floor
Looking at the world below
What is in a name?
Why am I so different from the rest?
Will things really change?

But I stand here waiting for you.
Even though you never came
I wish I could see your face

You said it was you who felt not the same
Always in my heart
It's true I was to blame.
When we first met, I stood away
Watching, observing your life in play

Still I hold on, but I do not why
It has always been you
Who has kept me alive inside

When I leave, I hope you remember
Walking into the sunset...
On a winter's December.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bluetooths: Beauty and the Borg?

Over the last few months, there has been an increase in brain wave confusion due to high sales in this new technology called Bluetooth which have been providing hands free interaction from cellular phones. All across the world, humans are raging on how the Bluetooth technology has raised the average national happiness level and even brough a larger desire for pregnancy amongst single and married couples.

Modern day politics are now being changed for the advancement of this technology

"Bluetooth is the future of our nation." said republican Presidential nominee John McCain, "If we don't move forward in cybernetic, then we only dig ourselves in a hole where we are only going to wake up in 25 to 50 years now."

"Ever since I have been in office, all of the bills I have endorsed are in the sake of Bluetooth technology." said in a speach at the 2008 DNC by Democratic presidential nominee Barak Obama. "For those who use a standardized telephone, they are not my people."

As you can see, Bluetooth is what appears to be the savior of this collapsing country. But as many don't realize, these presidential candidates are more than meets the eye. They are cyborgs created by the Bluetooth corporation bred for one purpose, to destroy the race of men.

Have you ever wondered why all these laws are being passed across the nation about hands free devices with cell phones? Because people who run this country in this technological age are nothing but Borg featured from Star Trek The Next Generation.

There are now schizophrenic cyborgs walking the streets today, clouding our minds as if we were interacting with them in a deep and philosophical conversation, but that is never the case.

Here is a real life example of a schizophrenic cyborg conversation.

You are walking down the street enjoying your day.

Friendly man says, "Wow isn't a beautiful day?"

You smile and say to the friendly man, "Indeed it is."

Friendly man says, "Ah yes darling, is dinner going to be ready by nightfall?"

You smile and say to the friendly man, "I don't understand what you mean sir."

Friendly man says, "No all you have to do is put it in the microwave."

You touch the friendly man and respond, "are you ok?"

Friendly man turns his head and you see a large bluetooth device covering his ear, you realize it is a cyborg.

You try to run from the cyborg and he hits you for 50 HP, you are now dead.
Game over.

You see! Schizophrenic cyborgs are dangerous! They drive down the streets acting like they are talking to you, they shop at your grocery store acting like they are a third person character, and they even try to make you sign petitions that don't even make any sense.
If you do not get that the schizophrenic cyborgs are the Borg controlling this wonderful, collapsing nation, then you are lost! Do you know how Boromir died in Lord of the Rings, he tried to take the Bluetooth device from Frodo when he was trying to destroy it for the sake of mankind.

Please, if you read this, you are only destroying the human race, not saving it. The presidential nominees do not know what they are talking about when it comes to technology of this nation. We will all soon have cancer and look like a gummy worm that was only having a bad day.

Save the human race!

Destroy your bluetooth!

Thank you for your support!

See you in the future!

... if there is one.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Super Mario RPG & The Five Greatest Games of All Time

Super Mario RPG

When I got home last night, I checked on the virtual console updates and I pretty much said, "Oh wait, did that just say Super Mario RPG just came out on the virtual console?" The answer was yes and instantly I am going to download this glorious game when I have the proper funds because I will be honest, in my top games of all time, this one ranks at number 2.

Why do you ask? Because one, this game is made by sqaresoft, two, it's and RPG, and three, this is one of the most unique and original mario games of all time. After the release of Earthbound, I was blown away from probably one of the greatest things to ever enter my life, and shortly after that, a sequel of greatness came out, and it was called Super Mario RPG. Below I have provided some videos to help you understand the greatness of this game, and if you have a Wii, DOWNLOAD THIS GAME NOW!!

The Five Greatest Games of All Time

Super Mario World II: Yoshi's Island

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Final Fantasy VIII

Super Mario RPG

The Legend of the Seven Stars


I hope you enjoy my list, these are very beautiful games to me. Sooner or later in time, there might be a top 10 list, but after having a top three, I slowly moved to a top five, and then eventually we shall go up.

Until next time...

See you in the near future.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Retro Jon-o : DWDP Episodes 4 - 6

Retro Jon-o

Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)

(Celebrating Five Years of Clean Pizza!)

Episode IV: Into The Matrix

It was a rush... As I hacked into the matrix with my good old friend Trinity, we were on a power trip... Our only goal was to destroy the dirty pizza main frame. As Trinity was on the computer I decided to jot down some notes on how to hack into the DP H.Q. The in a flash, the dirty pizza police stepped into the room... They wanted us to give up the pizza but we refused to... Since Trinity know Kung-poo, she was able to fight off the police! Wow, I peed my pants cause i was so scared! I'm glad i called up Tank and told him to help me to get the heck out of here... We couldn't get into the Dirty Pizza Main Frame, but maybe we can do that sooner or later... I hope... But for now, I'm heading off to Middle earth to join with my LOTR friends...!!!

Episode V: The Fellowship of the Pizza

Today was a long day in middle earth... Our friend Gandalf showed us a path that leads to the land of Dirty Pizza... It's a very sad site... A lot of dirty pizza and opened soda bottles. Gandalf had to bring his friends along... eh... Those hobbits are pretty rude but they can be cool some times. Whe we reached a tomb our friend Gimli rushed into the room as we found a man who died from a battle with a dirty pizza... But all of a sudden those hobbit guys were messing with the only clean pizza left in these caves and accidentally pushed it down a hole where all the orcs lived. It was a dirty seen as the orcs made the pizza dirty and rushed into the room which we were in... We were helpless but as the battle progressed we became unstoppable because i was eating a clean pizza. After the battle was all said and done, we happened to form what we call, "The Fellowship of The Pizza..." It was so great it brought a tear to my eye... the same tear you when you weep to that open soda bottle... We all started to go back to Hobbiton to eat. All i have to say is never eat the Strider Special... It tastes like poop... Yuk!

Episode VI: Darth Dirty Pizza

In all of my dirty pizza fighting days, I have never seen one this brutal... Me, Obi-Wan, and Qui-poop-chin were eating pizza on a sunny day until that evil guy behind me, Darth Dirty Pizza, appeared. The jedis busted out their bread sticks and they fought a hard and long battle. I felt like i had to go to the bathroom but I couldn't because i had to stick to the fight... Then i remembered! There was one slice of pizza left in the box! So i went to go eat it... It was really good, it was my favorite type... Pepperoni! Darth dirty pizza was getting scared from my pizza and started to pee his pants in a all out war with the pizza. Then it came to a sudden halt... we started to lose the battle, and there was almost no more pizza!! Then that's when the great poop came out to once again safe us!!! This huge poop brought his friend the great toliet and it was a four on one battle for the respect of the pizza! Ah... The power of the pizza. Then it all ended when i ordered a clean pizza for Darth Dirty Pizza. The delivery guy from Round Table came in the battle and said, "I'm looking for a Darth Dirty Pizza, the one who ordered this clean pizza..." Then he fell... We couldn't question him because he was counting Al Gores in his sleep... Wow what a fun and exicting adventure... I wonder what's next to come...?

Thanks for time traveling with me today!