Saturday, August 30, 2008

Micah The Mountain Origins: Chapter II

Micah The Mountain Origins

Chapter II

Locked away in his lavatory in the beautiful city of Salt Lake City, Micah the Mountain was locked in a dream world of confusion and mind melting bliss. Created by the funds of BYU and John Travolta's salary off of Hairspray, they made sure that the power of Xeno's celestial mustache would not come back into power.

"We must not let Micah awake!" said John Travolta with confidence, "We must feed him the crystals from Colombia which will give him the magic to enhance his brain waves and motor skill functions!"

Listening to what the interns from BYU were told, they created a special machine, called the Mulch Machine, that was able to keep Micah in a cryostasis long enough to have them think what they could do with him. The parts were simple for the machine, basically they took a couple of chapters from the Book of Mormon, diaries of Tom Cruise, and even mustache hairs from Burt Reynolds!

Inside Micah's mind was making him be fed nothing but lies and security tapes from Rotten Robbies gas store. Day by day, his mind got weaker and slowly but surely, hairs from his mustache were falling off. Just what John Travolta was planning.

Even though when all hope was lost and Micah's fate was almost sure of death, his mustache started to flicker sending messages into his brain of hope and prosperity. Xenu's mustache was indeed celestial and through that, it was showing Micah what truely exists out in the world today. All types of images were going through Micah's mind, especially ones of Mountain Babes who were in his dreams screaming, "Como Estan Micah!" and that caused him to become excited and finally become aware of his own existence.

Micah awoke, and this time, for the first time, the world was his.

Wondering off using the science of tectonic plates, Micah slivered through this way in the lavatory.
"Woah!" said Micah, "Who am I and what is this sweet lining of hair I have on my upper lip?"
Still not fully aware of the gracefulness of Xenu's mustache and the potential of getting Mountain Babes he had, Micah simply explored the area.
Moving up to the science room, Micah discovered this long piece of silver metal laying on the ground that said the words, MICAH on it.
"Hey that name sounds familiar, perhaps if I move myself onto it then I could remember what that word means." said Micah.
Using the glory of tectonic plates, Micah inched onto the platform only to instantly realize that this magical silver surfboard gave him powers beyond his imagination. Like as if he experienced millions of years in evolution, Micah grew trees out of his side which were like movable arms to him and his mustache began to glow.
"Micah." said Micah, "Ah yes, that is my name! Cooooool. Now since I have this wonderful hovercraft I wonder what I am going to do with it."
Again, not realizing what he was doing, his hovercraft started to malfunction and as he was testing it out, he accidentally destroyed the Mulch machine. Out from the security chamber, the Scientology machines were unable to stop Micah as he broke out of the complex and into the city streets destroying half of the BYU campus.

Wondering out of the John Travolta Micah Complex, the mystical mountain used his hovering platform and ventured off finally realizing the world that existed in front of him. Now understanding how to control his machine, the possibilities were endless for him.
"Wow!" said Micah with his tree hands waving high in the air, "There are so many fun things to see, I cannot believe it, Xenu was right when he chose this earth as his favorite earth because it is the only earth called Earth!"
On his travels, Micah visited the things that were implated inside his mind from the Mulch Machine such as the aurora borealis, the Great Wall of China, pyramids, the Loch Ness Monster, and even pizza!
"Oh geez! These Pyramids must be my brothers, except they don't have mustaches, and oh dear, the pizza looks like my sister, except more aerodynamic. Hmmmm..."
Having a wonderful time exploring the world, Micah was excited to go to the next destination.
"I wonder how my brother Everest is doing... I bet he must be lonely hanging out all the way up there!"

... To be continued with Chapter III

Doodles and things ! ! !

Here are some doodles which over the last weeks I have done just for the fun of it. They are represented by various books that I have read, things for fun, and ideas that I had and I just decided to put it into paper. I hope you enjoy!

The Elephant King and the Happy Girl.
I am currently working on this story about and Elephant and a cyborg. I was orginally going to share the story on Saturday night at a bonfire but due to budget cuts and delays, I couldn't tell the lovely story.

Spaceships in Outerspace.

Sunset Into the Eastern Shore Concept Cover
This is a book that I wrote about a year ago and over the last 365 days I have completed the trilogy, written a couple of spin-offs and right now I am currently using my freetime at school to edit and get it published. I drew this in Michigan and thought it would help motivate me to keep the project going: The Lavender Chronicles. (Or for the Trilogy: Awaiting the Twilight)

Coraline and Her Other Mother

(Based off the book Coraline)

Charles Wallace and the Unicorn

(Based off the book: A Swiftly Tilting Planet)

A Trek Through the Sierras

(Based off the epic backpacking trip with my best friends)

A Lake Full of Swans

(Based off the book: The Notebook)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ys: Book I & II

Here is a little insight on the latest game I am playing Ys (ees): Book I & II for the TurboGrafix CD.

Enjoy these random videos about the game, review to eventually follow.

And some game play

Retro Jon-o : DWDP Episodes 1-3

Retro Jon-o

Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
Celebrating 5 years of clean pizza!

Episode I : The Search

Coming back from retirement after his wife, Teri, overdosed on dirty pizzas... Me and Jack Bauer found a suspect who could lead us to the base of DP (dirty pizzas.) We're glad we could stop him before he unleashed his dirtiness to the world... He said that we had to talk to the great poop to get there... Thanks to Jack and I the day is save, or so we think...

Episode II : Dirty Pizza H.Q.

Wow... thanks to Jack Bauer's skill help, we were able to destroy the Dirty Pizza H.Q. with some good old pizza! Me and T-100 destroyed the area and blew up the area clean. I ask T about the return on Dirty pizza and he said, it'll be back... I hope that isn't true because I bet someone an animal cracker on that subject and if i am wrong....
But what if it's true!! We have to get back to the Pizza H.Q.!!! And Alf!!! he's holding that suspect! WE CAN'T LET OUR FUR BALL FRIEND DIE!!!

Episode III : Eh....

I... Can't believe it... The pizza H.Q. was destroyed today... no more clean pizza... It's all dirty and gruffness... And Alf! he's in fur ball heaven with all the pizza! Since the T-100 is emo, he cried his self to sleep... What should i do...? Those gooberts took over my life... my food...? From this day forward i will be a splinter pizza who will protect all pizza from becoming dirty... then eating them... this job will be hard... but I'll encounter many of my friends and new ones along the way... Eh... DWDP for life! Yo....-gurt

Check back every week for more old episodes!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Micah The Mountain Origins : Chapter I

Micah The Mountain : Origins
Chapter I

In the beginning there was the creation of the universe and with it was the big bang. All types of colours and elements were formed at that split second in time. Along with the formation of the universe came the formation of one of the most unique creations known to man, The Celestial Mustache. Form out the elements of light, beauty, and strength, came this mustache from the clouds of explosions in the sky and with it, it was good. Knowledge of this mustache was passed down through the ages making the dream of man to one day explore the stars and find it. But one day there was a man named Xenu who possessed an evil power and lust to control the universe, and he did. One day finding the mustache, he surgically attached it to his face giving himself the ultimate power. In his Galactic Confederacy he made it a decree to have all mustaches for women and men, the women would have to take anabolic steroids to increase their testosterone, and children had ones drawn in with hand at a young age and sometimes leading to brain damage from the high content of chemicals emitted from markers. With over population and disarray amongst the stars, the universe seemed like a dark and scary place until someone decided to step up and fight against Xenu.

Scholars said that a great battle ensued and after a Douglas DC-8 crashed into Xenu's spaceship, he was destroyed. The remaining parts of his body and hairs from his ultimate mustache were scattered all across the universe to make sure that he would never regain power again. Each part was specifically put in a solar system, and for Earth's disposal was the mustache. The impact of Xenu's mustache hair being spread across the Earth caused a mass eruption of various volcanos releasing toxic gases and thetans into the atmosphere causing many species, including the dinosaurs, to become extinct paving the way for the future of the humans.

To prevent the Earth from being destroyed again, there was a drastic measure to be take place to stop the mountains from once again erupting and destroying the Earth. The keepers of peace went around to the mountains sprinkling the elements of earth, water, and spirit to keep the mountains at ease and limit the growth of their mustaches. All was going fine until there was one special mustache that wouldn't stop growing.

Over the course of a million years, one mountain began to form in a way that no one else would expect it to. Growing its own eyes, hands, mouth, and mustache, it was as if this mountain was coming alive.
At the Scientology headquarters in Los Angeles, California one night, L. Ron Hubbard came to John Travota in his sleep and told him. "Hello John, it appears the mountain from Xenu's stash keeps on growing and growing, if we don't take action, his mustache will become so big it will flood the entire earth!"
Waking up from his dream, John Travolta went out to the mountain range where the mountain was and ordered that it must be transfered in a confined space where they can observe it and do experiments.
"We shall call it project Micah, and hey, I'm John Travolta!" said John Travolta.
With the money that he made from the movie Hairspray, he managed to use those funds to transport such a large object to a top secret lavatory located in Salt Lake city. There, Micah was fast asleep, unaware of his own existence and mustache.

To Be Continued...
Check Back Next Saturday For Chapter II ! ! !

Promote the Mustache... Save the world
- Micah The Mountain

Prelude to the Apocalypse: A Haiku

Prelude to the Apocalypse
A Haiku

Tales of the future
Green gas engulfs the night sky
Tears, echoes, silence...

The Dust of Nations
Awake to this quiet Earth
What has Man become?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jon-o's Topics of the Week: Power Napping and the future!

Power Napping

The Savior of Humanity or the creation of Burph?

When many think of the word Power Napping, they tend to move towards the sport in the Winter Olympics that usually creatures like Bears or Snorlax do to increase stamina and aerodynamics. But actually, in today's world, there is a shift moving towards the increase of power napping in everyday experiences such as work, school, and driving to get that extra boost of energy you need. The terrible truth is that lack of power napping is causing a loss of over 150 Billion dollars in revenue, yes 150 Billion dollars! Holy Bagel, that's almost as more that Ryan Sheckler makes.

A power nap can make you more alert and productive but only if you do it correctly. Scientists have been studying the power nap and when to take it, how to take it, what to take before you take it, and so on. Their findings suggest that the following steps will help you get the most power out of a power nap.

The question that most people wonder is what is the difference between a cat nap and a power nap? Well simple, you have to be a cat to Cat Nap dummy! Well according to the Work Nap Front (WNF) here is what they say : While a power-nap and a catnap can be considered to be synonymous in terms of duration and effect, the vernacular usage often makes a behavioral distinction: a power-nap involves a break from activity, while a catnap is of a more leisurely nature. Thus, one may take a power-nap in the middle of a busy work day, and a catnap on the couch during a lazy afternoon. Understand?

Well now that I have sold you on power napping, here is some cons of it so I can make you feel bipolar and confused what to do. Actually, there are none because sleeping is fun.

Here are some tips you can use to how to power nap if you really have trouble going to sleep or understanding the concept.

Find a good place to nap.

Napping at work - A survey by people who were laid off from work due to excessive sleeping found that about 30% of people are allowed to sleep at work, sucks, and some employers even provide a place for employees to nap, like in the freezer to calm down the heart. If your place of employment isn't nap-friendly, you can take a power nap in your car, or simply find a new job.

Napping on the road - If you're driving, fall asleep behind the wheel. If your car has cruise control, you're in good shape because most wheels have a pillow that can be ejected upon impact so if you crash, you can rest on the comfortable cushion. Don't park on the street, there might be robbers outside. Always turn off the car and put on the emergency brake. If it's nighttime, park in a well-lit area with plenty of people around and lock all of your doors.
Turn off your mobile phone and any other potential distractions. If background noise is unavoidable and distracting, or if you suffer from seeing ghosts and homeless people, putting on headphones with relaxing music may help.

If you're sleeping during the day and find that bright light inhibits your ability to sleep, wear sunglasses or use an eye mask to simulate darkness.

Now after you have found your place, here is simply what you do to start your power nap.

1. Right before you crash, down a cup of java. The caffeine has to travel through your gastro-intestinal tract, giving you time to nap before it kicks in.

2. Close your eyes and relax. Even if you only doze, you'll get what's known as effective microsleep, or momentary lapses of wakefulness.

3. Limit your nap to 15 minutes. A half hour can lead to sleep inertia, or the spinning down of the brain's prefrontal cortex, which handles functions like judgment. This gray matter can take 30 minutes to reboot.

Do you understand? Good! Now go out there and sleep on the job so you can save the world 150 billion dollars a year.

Here is a video posted by the National American People for Power Napping (NAPPN)

The Future of Jon-o's Journeys
Weekly Schedule

After working in the laboratory last night for over several hours thinking on bringing you the most effective way to help you enjoy your week, I have made a weekly list on which you can enjoy Jon-o's Journeys on a daily basis. Here is our day by day analysis below.

-Overall review and Quote of the Week (from real people)

-Retro Jon-o: Down With Dirty Pizza episodes
-Virtual Console Thoughts

-Adventures through time
-Artwork / commentary

-Weird Wednesdays!

-Picture and Poem of the Week

-Jon-o's Topics & Music video of the week

-Original short stories / poems

I hope you enjoy this all star line up and at random anytime during the week too, expect to see some movie, video game, or even book reviews that I might have finished at any random point.

Enjoy. See you in the future...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Video Game Reviews! Kingdom Hearts II & Katamari Damacy

Kingdom Hearts II

Oh dear! Sora is missing, and it is up to you to find out what happened. Kingdom Hearts II starts off with a really great bang as you start with Roxas, played by Jesse McCartney in the prologue for the game. Starting off things to go very well, Twilight Town is a beautiful town that is worth exploring all the secret areas and talking to the town folk. Playing it during the beginning of the summer, Roxas really helped start off my off school season. Overall after you play the prologue, Roxas randomly becomes a 'nobody' literally and you finally step into the shoes of Sora and that is when the real adventure begins. World by world, you scatter through many various Disney movies ranging from Mulan, Tron (Yes I said Tron), and even weird places like The Lion King when you play as a deformed lion.

One thing that started to get really annoying the first run through was a little dog named Pete. Pretty much you get pushed around by a dog who is one of the most annoying characters of all time. Any who, you make it through to the Organization XIII storyline which is really cool because you deal with a group of cyberpunks and those who want to claim kingdom hearts itself. The one disappointments was the missing elements of the Kairi and Riku storyline which Kingdom Hearts I was full of with dealing with your heart and fighting darkness. I really didn't find any life long lessons in this game but overall, I will tell you this about the game, I was not let down at all.

- Really In depth prologue
- All-star Disney Cast
- Really loose and free battle system
- Many great cut-scenes
- Will Turner
- Keeps its hyper-anime feel
- You play really cool areas like Tron, Twilight Town, and The World that Never Was

- Pete
- Playing the worlds, then going back to them after you thought you already beat them
- Roxas' fate which was nothing
- Not a deep plot
- Not enough of Kairi / Sora storyline

We give Kingdom Hearts II : 4.5 / 5.0

Opening Video

Katamari Damacy

Wow, where to start about this unique game? The originality of such a great concept. At the museum a couple of weeks ago, I was looking at a dung beetle and then I realized the glory of the game Katamari Damacy.
According to Wikipedia: The primary story in Katamari Damacy deals with the aftereffects of the planet-sized King of All Cosmos' binge drinking spree that wiped out all the stars and other celestial bodies from the sky. The King charges his 10-cm-tall son, the Prince, to go to earth with a "katamari"—a magical ball that allows anything smaller than it to stick to it and making it grow—and collect enough material so that he can recreate the stars and constellations.
To play this game, you must be careful, because you can really damage your wrist with overplaying like I did. The music is awesome, the characters are funny, and the things you roll up are things you found to be really interesting. There were some technical issues, but after that, you can beat the game within a day. If you haven't played the game, go pick it up! Katamari Damacy!

- One of the most original games you will ever play
- Brings thousand of laughs
- A five star soundtrack
- You will want to roll up junk with a katamari
- The feel good game of the summer

- Can beat it in one day
- Overplaying will mess you up
- Tight controls
- Sometimes this game can be really hard

We rate Katamari Damacy : 4.0 / 5.0

The Intro to the Game

Until next time... see you in the future.

A Prophecy Fufilled? & The Cat Returns!

Moon Energy: A good or bad thing?

Recently for those who follow Space and Science news, scientist have recently discovered that there is an element called Helium-3 which is a special chemical that is rare on Earth but apparently abundant on the moon . According to an article found at found at . They say that "The fuel in this case is helium-3, a lighter isotope of the helium used in balloons. In high energy collisions, helium-3 fuses with other nuclei to release more energy and less waste than the reactions in traditional nuclear reactors." and...

"Just 40 tons of this stuff has enough potential energy to meet the total U.S. electricity demand for a year. However, there is almost no helium-3 on Earth. The closest supply is on the moon.

Several space agencies, notably in China, Russia and India, have mentioned helium-3 as a potential payoff for their lunar projects. "

Overall the environmental impacts is a very positive thing knowing that as we are daily depleting our Earth from all resources and melting at a very alarming rate and switching to a more abundant source would help stop the nuclear fusion rush which the world has entered over the last fifty years.

But... there is one shocking thing that came to this whole story. Around five years ago, I had a dream that came to me one night about humans discovering an element on the moon which will lead to the downfall of our race.

The story goes, that this helium-3 was used for a new environmental and cost efficient way to send one of the largest tourist trips into outer space and back. The results in the dream... millions dead. From a chemical reaction, our bodies were not capable to handle this new chemical bringing brought into the air causing us to have broken lungs and more susceptible to the cordycept fungus virus.

Describing the events leading up to the situation, here are some excerpts from Sunset Into the Eastern Shore:
Malachi first describing about the space trip using Helium-3 -
Parking the motorcycle, Malachi takes off his helmet exposing his dark long hair and skin for he is Middle Eastern decent. “How was your first day at Barnes today? Is he finally deciding to add bombs to his collection of goods?” said Malachi. “Oh yeah! I forgot! Jonathan, they are soon going to launch a collective space shuttle expedition for rich tourist to the moon. They are using this material from the moon that will bring non-nuclear fusion that will reduce the pollution and carbon monoxide that is admitted into the atmosphere everyday. Apparently they have some type of mechanized machine that is being sent there. Interesting eh?”

The BBC report on the space flight and Jonathan's conversation with Ruth -
Finally the science and health news came on, always Jonathan’s favorite part; today it seemed that BBC was focusing more on space and NASA. “Three weeks from today will mark the historical launch of the Alpha Lunar space flight fifteen ships will be rocketed to the moon and back around. Alpha Lunar is offering civilian flights at $1,000,000 a piece to fly around the moon on a five day journey. After discovering the combination from fusion and a rare substance found only on the moon, this NASA funded company was able to find the miracle formula without using fossil fuels for space flight. Over forty people have signed up for the flight and all have gone through two months of rigorous training, making it the most expensive tourist trip in human history.” ... Ruth handed Jonathan his cell phone and said, “By the way, Malachi called your phone, it was ringing, I guess you were in a trance with your fusion space flight story.” With a smile on her face she continued, “Technology is booming, I read you can see the launch at night. You know this is going to be a milestone event, almost bigger than landing on the moon. Commercial space flight and non-fossil fuels? We are entering a new era of exploration.”

And the deadly outcome (spoilers ahead) :
The same officer who detained the group came in and said, “Sir, you need to come and see this.” “What is it?” said Isaac. “It is America, people are dying by the thousands.” said the officer. “Guys,” said Isaac, “come with me; I want to see what is going on.” Changing the channel from Russian news channel to BBC, they sat and saw what was going on in America, “Apparently as of 9:00 PM, eastern standard time yesterday, reports all across the United states and parts of Mexico and Canada, with a wave of deaths coming from an unknown cause. There have been cases from all towns and cities of people fainting and going into catatonic shock, so far, over 100 fatalities have been reported and hospitals and morgues are filled and closed to accommodate the rapid growing number of sick and deceased. Some scientists are speculating that if the shuttle launches to the moon have been a cause of this mysterious out break. They claim that the mixture between fusion and a certain element found on the moon can be harmful or fatal if inhaled since our bodies have never encountered this substance making our system immune from the bacteria that may emanate from the mineral. As of now borders are being closed in America with all international and domestic travel grounded to prevent more death. There are large outbreaks of riots and looting major cities while homeland security and the National Guard tries to neutralize the increasing crime. People have been asked to remain indoors and use air filter or gas masks if you have one. More news will be reported as the story progresses, here are some eye witness reports…” Turning off the television, Isaac walks over to the wall and puts his head on it and others like Megan, Esther, and Noah begins to weep. “We’re entering a new age,” said Isaac, “the world that we know will never be the same. Jonathan, I am still trying to understand why you are here, but for now, you should all rest, there are a lot of decisions and planning needs to be made.”

Can this all be leading up for something more than we know? This incident goes into deeper detail over the next two books about the effect it will have on the world and the reason it might of have been caused. If this all true, I guess I already know my fate and I will only have to act on it because I have my own small cameo part in the third book of the Awaiting the Twilight trilogy called Saeglopur (Lost at Sea) so I must be careful then because if Virgin Galactic uses such a material around 2014 (when the book approximately takes place) then we all must be careful! Sometimes dreams are more than they seem, they are telling us the future.

The Cat Returns!

Over the span of last night and this morning, I watched one of Hayao Miyazaki's produced movie, The Cat Returns.

Pretty much to sum this up in words, this is probably one of the most unique sequel that has ever been made in my opinion. The movie following The Cat Returns is a very lovely flick called Whisper of the Heart which is a lovely story about a girl in Junior High School who spends time writing and reading but the story slowly moves into a love story with a guy who has a crush on this girl but she thinks he is the greatest guy in the world but they are both shy. Usually your typical golden love story. Any who, this sequel is about the story the girl first wrote in the first movie... or is it?

The story is about another shy girl named Haru who happens to save the cat prince from being destroyed by a H2, or actually a semi-truck, and eventually she is brought into the Cat Kingdom where she is going to be forced to marry the cat prince as a gift for entering the royalty of the cats. She gets her self into all these random situations that eventually leads her self into misunderstandings and many adventures. The cat baron is back! The cat returns. A very cute movie, Hayao Miyazaki had not that much hand in this movie as Whisper of the Heart had which made this movie a little choppy but over all it had the beautiful touch that Studio Ghibli puts into their films.

This movie gets a 4.0 / 5.0, a very great film, go see it if you want to be cheered up!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Under The Moonlit Pier

Usually there are times when I suspiciously wonder around town living my double life as a secret explorer and adventurer through time. Around last night, I was journeying around the pier and I decided that it would be a good time to write a poem because my favorite thing to do in the world is to write poems under the moonlight. This poem reflects my own life and perhaps others with things we do in the nighttime. I hope you enjoy this epic.
- Jon-o

I walk here in this far off distant land.
Wondering when this chapter will soon end.
Off into the ocean I look and stand.
This pier, my life, these waves... is it pretend?
I'm given the pen, but I cannot write.
He answers my prayers, though I do not see.
I'm given the chance, but I run in fright.
Don't believe she's out there waiting for me.
My purpose, my goals, all do not make sense.
Love. This nonexistence makes my heart dense.

The moon shines down rays under the midnight.
Where fairies play a mid-summer's night dream.
A song is heard amongst the waves' last flight.
Break by break, only one hears their last scream.
Yes... it is I at the end of the pier.
There I think with rain dripping on my head.
Looking off into the distant frontier.
Only her smile brings me from the dead.
A new day is here, I must not forget...
Though now I walk off into the sunset.

My failures,
my nightmares.
This heart has broken a thousand times.
Yet therefore, I somehow survive.

A mysterious kiss,
she gave me.
Tonight, under the moonlit pier.
This second life does not make sense.

The future,
there is hope.
Remain steadfast and have faith.
The blessing of life means there is another day.

This Perfect Bike Ride

While riding my bike today along the beach coast of San Clemente, I thought of this and decided to write it down. Summer days can be especially fun if you enjoy them the correct way, so if you have a very fun idea or a great adventure on your mind, go and do it!

Zooming in the wind.
The sun shines on me.
Beauty can't describe.
The tears in my eyes.
Back and forth I go.
Riding the beach side.

Hands high in the sky.
Catching the shore breeze.
This perfect bike ride.

One thing I wish not...
Waving you goodbye.
This grace you brought me.
Like stars leave the night.
Sadness you left me.
I wait for the train.
To take me away.
These feelings remain.

Because as I see.
You're pretty to me.
This perfect bike ride.

Thoughts flow through my mind.
Oh these city lights...
You have won my heart
Seeing you once more
Into the forest
Traveling through time.

Back to the real world
I seem to subside.
This perfect bike ride.

Oh where have I gone?
This is not my home.
I don't belong here.
Now I feel alone
This city is fake.

Hey! Stop daydreaming.
Watch out for the cars!
Phew... another dream.
Life begins again.
This wonderful day.
On a bicycle...