Retro Jon-o
Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
Down With Dirty Pizza (2003)
Celebrating 5 years of clean pizza!
Episode I : The Search

Coming back from retirement after his wife, Teri, overdosed on dirty pizzas... Me and Jack Bauer found a suspect who could lead us to the base of DP (dirty pizzas.) We're glad we could stop him before he unleashed his dirtiness to the world... He said that we had to talk to the great poop to get there... Thanks to Jack and I the day is save, or so we think...
Wow... thanks to Jack Bauer's skill help, we were able to destroy the Dirty Pizza H.Q. with some good old pizza! Me and T-100 destroyed the area and blew up the area clean. I ask T about the return on Dirty pizza and he said, it'll be back... I hope that isn't true because I bet someone an animal cracker on that subject and if i am wrong....
But what if it's true!! We have to get back to the Pizza H.Q.!!! And Alf!!! he's holding that suspect! WE CAN'T LET OUR FUR BALL FRIEND DIE!!!
Episode I : The Search
Coming back from retirement after his wife, Teri, overdosed on dirty pizzas... Me and Jack Bauer found a suspect who could lead us to the base of DP (dirty pizzas.) We're glad we could stop him before he unleashed his dirtiness to the world... He said that we had to talk to the great poop to get there... Thanks to Jack and I the day is save, or so we think...
Wow... thanks to Jack Bauer's skill help, we were able to destroy the Dirty Pizza H.Q. with some good old pizza! Me and T-100 destroyed the area and blew up the area clean. I ask T about the return on Dirty pizza and he said, it'll be back... I hope that isn't true because I bet someone an animal cracker on that subject and if i am wrong....
But what if it's true!! We have to get back to the Pizza H.Q.!!! And Alf!!! he's holding that suspect! WE CAN'T LET OUR FUR BALL FRIEND DIE!!!
Episode III : Eh....

I... Can't believe it... The pizza H.Q. was destroyed today... no more clean pizza... It's all dirty and gruffness... And Alf! he's in fur ball heaven with all the pizza! Since the T-100 is emo, he cried his self to sleep... What should i do...? Those gooberts took over my life... my food...? From this day forward i will be a splinter pizza who will protect all pizza from becoming dirty... then eating them... this job will be hard... but I'll encounter many of my friends and new ones along the way... Eh... DWDP for life! Yo....-gurt
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