Wondering off using the science of tectonic plates, Micah slivered through this way in the lavatory.
"Woah!" said Micah, "Who am I and what is this sweet lining of hair I have on my upper lip?"
Still not fully aware of the gracefulness of Xenu's mustache and the potential of getting Mountain Babes he had, Micah simply explored the area.
Moving up to the science room, Micah discovered this long piece of silver metal laying on the ground that said the words, MICAH on it.
"Hey that name sounds familiar, perhaps if I move myself onto it then I could remember what that word means." said Micah.
Using the glory of tectonic plates, Micah inched onto the platform only to instantly realize that this magical silver surfboard gave him powers beyond his imagination. Like as if he experienced millions of years in evolution, Micah grew trees out of his side which were like movable arms to him and his mustache began to glow.
"Micah." said Micah, "Ah yes, that is my name! Cooooool. Now since I have this wonderful hovercraft I wonder what I am going to do with it."
Again, not realizing what he was doing, his hovercraft started to malfunction and as he was testing it out, he accidentally destroyed the Mulch machine. Out from the security chamber, the Scientology machines were unable to stop Micah as he broke out of the complex and into the city streets destroying half of the BYU campus.
Wondering out of the John Travolta Micah Complex, the mystical mountain used his hovering platform and ventured off finally realizing the world that existed in front of him. Now understanding how to control his machine, the possibilities were endless for him.
"Wow!" said Micah with his tree hands waving high in the air, "There are so many fun things to see, I cannot believe it, Xenu was right when he chose this earth as his favorite earth because it is the only earth called Earth!"
On his travels, Micah visited the things that were implated inside his mind from the Mulch Machine such as the aurora borealis, the Great Wall of China, pyramids, the Loch Ness Monster, and even pizza!
"Oh geez! These Pyramids must be my brothers, except they don't have mustaches, and oh dear, the pizza looks like my sister, except more aerodynamic. Hmmmm..."
Having a wonderful time exploring the world, Micah was excited to go to the next destination.
"I wonder how my brother Everest is doing... I bet he must be lonely hanging out all the way up there!"
... To be continued with Chapter III