Friday, January 23, 2009

Panoramic Views

Panoramic views, pick and choose your story.

It all started driving to work last night, a typical Friday night where they cool kids come out of the woodwork to go see movies, drink Starbucks, and slosh spit in the back alleys behind Ralph's. Sometimes driving with the wrong people can be sometimes the case, sometimes driving with the people who hate these typical teenagers can sometimes be the case. In this point and case, it was made when he made the first move, he's crazy!

The guy drives, who I won't mention, drives an Impala, and I do hate those cars.

The problem was that as we were driving down the alley way, he actually thought it would be cool to hit one of those kids out of pure anger.
"What are you doing! You just ran over that kid, I told you to not speed down these alley ways, they are way too stoned to move out of the way."
That guy is crazy, he just hit a kid, he is a legend to his friends now. I basically got over what he was doing and I decided to go into my work and started to work. Simple right?

Eventually what I began to notice is that the cool hip teenage kids in the area start to double, triple, reproduce at alarming rates. Inside my little fortress I was content, I did not really understand what was going on but at least they weren't trying to get me, until one threw the first stone.
The kid who got hit by the car threw a stone and shattered the front sliding door and when I went to look outside, all I noticed where thousands of people who wanted to kill me it seem.
"What did I do?"
"Where is Impala, he is good as dead!"
"Ah yes, I hate that car too."

Before I was about to narc on my friend, lo and behold, the Impala jerk friend came out and rescued me.
Jumping on the hood of the car, he sped up and started to run down each kid one by one, he was going completely nuts!
I was trying to hold on to dear life it seem, I was getting haymakers thrown at me left and right, a brutal feeling, a feeling that my face was slowly being pounded away by a thousand fist, but for every fist, there was three kids being plummeted by a car. Completely justified right?

When I thought things couldn't get any stranger, more things began to happen. That was only the tip of the iceberg, my night only got more progressively weirder. Such a long night, eventually I watched the sunrise thousands of miles north from my original destination, how did this all happen? I wish I could tell you, but if I did, I would have to kill you.

Panoramic views, pick and choose your story.

Decide well because you might not be waking up tomorrow. Will I be waking up tomorrow you say? I sure hope so, it appears that every time I talk to a new person about their life, my vision on the world only becomes more skewed. There are only a few who I truly feel that we are on the same page, but are we?

In the end of my travels, a travel up the longest bike trail on the Western coast, from San Clemente to Seattle, we watch the sunrise for one last time. Trying to get away from the scary kids and past of the south, I say my goodbyes and whisper this to you.

Have no fear
For when I'm alone
I'll be better off than I was before

I've got this light
I'll be around to grow
Who I was before
I cannot recall

Long nights allow me to feel...
I'm falling...I am falling
The lights go out
Let me feel
I'm falling
I am falling safely to the ground

Be careful when you drive recklessly next time. You may not really realize the ones who are hurting until its too late when they are on the ground bleeding to death screaming to the skies to someone who never responds to their cries.

Panoramic views, pick and choose your story.

You wake up, only not to realize that this day will be the best day of your life. You are about to cross that window into a new dimension. There will be people who you cross in your daily lives that you will never talk to, never say hi, or never even think about a future with that person. Things sneak up on you, perhaps five years down the road you will become connected to that person, a friendship that could not be broken from the diminishing strands of time. Perhaps you accidently let that girl kiss or sleep with you a few years ago and you see her again, but you both realize your mistakes and you simply brush off like nothing happen. You're with your entire family, and she walks by you in front of the Cheesecake factory and you nod her head, and she does the same. This is the past, we try to hide it but sometimes because if we put on a suitable image to others so we look better ourselves. This is society, we are a crazy breed. Nothing is real unless if we make it real, but sometimes when you want something to be more real then you can possibly imagine, there are those, or even one person who blocks that from happening.

These are stories from the bike trail that takes us north past north, there were many people who would take shelter and rest in the caves in contentment and also fear from the outside world.
I couldn't help but ask why they would choose to do such a thing when they could easily get up on a bike and ride up the coast to see and explore a new part of the world instead of giving up on so many things.
The lady came up to me and said, "You know you have a home in these caves, but the sad thing is for you is that you don't even recognize it. You've been here all along."


Panoramic views, pick and choose your story.

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