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The title of the book is Mordecai.
The storyline behind it is a dream eater in San Francisco who has to consume people's happiness and joy to stay alive. Mordecai is accompanied by a black German shepherd, Inguma, who speaks to him telepathically. Over time the dog gets bigger as the more dreams are eaten and eventually it overtakes Mordecai.
The book is split up into three sections, the dreams which are consumed, Mordecai's past which goes into another story about how the girl he loves ends up contracting a form of narcolepsy which causes her to fall into a coma and Mordecai tries his hardest to find a solution but ends up taking everything he has away, and the third part is about Mordecai and his dog wondering through the city at night trying to contemplate their purpose in life.
Story mainly reflects as a man floating through the city as a spirit trying to get his soul back from taking other's and hopefully remember who he was.
I hope you enjoy it and please let me know your true opinions!